Deliberate mistake: When Casey is hiding behind the boxes waiting to knock out a Foot soldier and steal his outfit, you can see he is still wearing his denim vest. After he knocks out the Foot soldier, he is able to put on his entire outfit in roughly three seconds. (01:10:15)

Deliberate mistake: In multiple shots, Stitch's ear notches move higher in places or vanish completely.

Deliberate mistake: For all exterior shots on the surface of Mars, the crew's "pressurized" space helmets have no face-plates (their faces are fully exposed to the hostile Martian environment). The transparent face-plates they intended to use reflected far too much studio set lighting, such that the glare would have obscured the actors' faces. On a $200,000 budget and a 10-day production deadline, they simply scrapped the face-plates and shot the scenes with wide-open helmets.

Deliberate mistake: The surviving passengers are all awoken from a deep sleep after Dinah realises the other passengers have gone. Yet none of them appear drowsy or tired and none of their eyes appear strained, despite having just woken up so suddenly. (00:09:20)

Deliberate mistake: When a man bumps into pole, it sounds as if a truck had crashed (which makes it funnier), but in reality he just bumped his chest.