Stupidity: The first time they see the bad guy in the Land Rover, Morgan has him in his sights but can't shoot, as he doesn't want to kill him. Clearly, the obvious thing to do is to shoot the car tires, but he doesn't and lets him drive off.
Suggested correction: Shooting out car tires is not an actual effective strategy to get a vehicle to stop. A 9mm bullet simply doesn't cause enough damage to a tire to get it to go flat immediately. It causes similar damage as running over a nail. It is a movie cliche, similar to using a gun to shoot out a lock or a rope, it just doesn't happen in real life.

Stupidity: In the opening scene, Sonny has come to her now-deceased father's house. Police and the coroner are in the basement taking notes while standing around the body - which is face down and awkwardly lying at the bottom of the steps. Det. Sabatino informed Sonny that the death was ruled accidental due to a high blood-alcohol level. Detectives or the coroner did not rule out other possibilities: natural cause, suicide, or murder. High blood-alcohol level could be secondary.

Stupidity: Martino's plan involves walking across the desert for 200 miles, in a raincoat, dress shoes, and nothing to cover his head. That's just silly and probably needed no sabotage from the killer at all, but he realises his compass was broken and his canteen emptied when it's already too late to go back.That's no subtle sabotage, in particular the compass being shattered, glass included. He didn't even perform a rudimentary check on his survival kit. (00:50:00)

Stupidity: After Danny kills Kat on the sidewalk, he just stands there with Rory while the other gang members flee to their vehicles. William comes running out of the Mexican restaurant and Rory tells Danny, "We gotta go, brother. Now." Rory sees William and gets into the vehicle without getting Danny to go with him. The gang drives away with Rory watching out the window as William tackles and fights with Danny. Rory and the rest of the violent gang left behind someone who just passed the initiation. (00:07:10 - 00:07:40)

Stupidity: When she leaves him at home with a sandwich she says people will come check on him. When she gets home and he's not there, she doesn't go and ask those people where he is.

Stupidity: The chef/cook of the house has his rifle, and he knows Morgan lost control and pretty much killed everybody on the premises. He comes face to face with her, but he lowers his rifle instead of taking the subject (Morgan) out with a shot. There is no logic here but to only pro-long the film. There's no reasoning with a scientifically created subject which is killing everybody it comes into contact with. (01:09:00)

Stupidity: When Amy heard Luce coming toward the kitchen, she "hid" his school paper and bag of fireworks in a kitchen cupboard, apparently while knowing Luce would be doing the dishes (and putting them away in the cupboards). Amy and Peter were on the patio (with the door open) just outside the kitchen when Luce was doing the dishes yet Amy made no attempt to prevent Luce from finding his paper and bag of fireworks (which he did). (00:16:20 - 00:21:00)

Stupidity: The creatures in the maze make it inside the living area after the gates open and some of the heroes hide in the corn field. While that alone isn't the smartest thing... one of them keeps a lit torch in their hand burning brightly at night while trying to hide from these creatures.

Stupidity: When Jody traps Michael in his room, he does so by sticking a screwdriver between the the door and the jamb. This likely wouldn't accomplish much regardless, but it especially wouldn't work in this situation because the door opens into the room, so Michael could simply open the door and the screwdriver would fall on the ground.

Stupidity: If the weak spot of the house is the fiery chimney, then the kids could have just thrown the dynamite into it instead of lighting it themselves. They put themselves in unnecessary danger for the sake of drama.
Suggested correction: You don't think that once Nebbercracker noticed the house had the spirit of his wife, he would have realised this could happen one day. In order to protect her, he most likely blocked off the fireplace.

Stupidity: Kale screams for Ronnie after he sees the image of the club girl on the videotape, and Ronnie proceeds to just stand there and doesn't even bother to go up to Kale to see what is wrong. Had Ronnie gone up the stairs to Kale, then there was a likely chance that they could escape from Turner easily.

Stupidity: Why would Stanley say the shoes fell out of the sky? It happened under a bridge. Any normal person would instantly realise someone threw them off the bridge.
Suggested correction: It's an idiom/expression. When something turns up out of nowhere, we say "it came/fell from the sky." In fact, Mr. Sir says this to Stanley when he finds Stanley with his empty bag of sunflower seeds, "Where did this come from? Did it fall from the sky?" Obviously a sarcastic way of saying, "it didn't get there by itself, someone put it there." So the shoes obviously fell from the bridge and Stanley knows this because Zero refers to the bridge later in the movie.

Stupidity: Daphne and Velma's adventure in the corridor behind the school lockers begins when they enter the theater backstage from a random door opened by a button that is lit up in the dark, effectively negating the "secret tunnel system" status. Why would anyone build a corridor with an entrance into school lockers so secret that it's invisible from the outside, and then put a button-activated entrance to it in another location, even making the button a fully lit one shining in the dark?

Stupidity: The end fell apart. It took convincing to get the police at the picnic area; however, while Jack was cracking up, they just left alone with his gun. After the stakeout was a bust, why didn't the police just question the girl: "Who told you to come here? Who was to meet you here?" Also, they police see a smashed black station-wagon. Was there no connection to the previous child's drawing?