Plot hole: Near the end of the movie, when Mr Potts finds out that he's going to be rich (Mr Scrumptious wants to buy his invention) and he rushes out to his car to go see Truly, he meets her en route and she's got her hair in an really elaborate style and has changed. But there is no way she could have possibly got to her house, found out that her father had gone to see Mr Potts to buy his invention, changed her outfit, done her hair like that and gone out to see Mr Potts in the short amount of time between Mr Potts and his children dropping her off, and Mr Potts and her meeting at the pond.
Plot hole: The wolves seem to conveniently make an appearance to further the story, only to disappear in other parts. They are there for Belle's dad at the beginning and Belle when she tries to escape the castle initially. When Belle's dad leaves the castle after Belle takes his place and when Belle is freed to save her dad, they are not there.
Plot hole: In the beginning after Flint buries the treasure, he kills all the men that are with him. The pistols he has are one-shot pistols, so there's no way he could kill 14 men using only two one-shot pistols.
Plot hole: Why is that shark machine even there? The only reason it's there is to help the plot, and I don't see how it is of use to anyone in the corporate world. If the shark just ejects the fish it turns into fish heads out to sea, there is too much chance they will be ruined by carnivorous fish or weather before they are picked up. And fishing companies should know better.
Plot hole: How did Professor Krassman get shocked into being a frog? The electronic device doesn't even touch his head.
Plot hole: Mr. Cranston asks Denise to be the accompanist for the school's production of "Chicago". This is an error. In the year 2009, in which the film is set, this would be impossible since the licensing company which has the theatrical rights for "Chicago" restricts the show from being produced (even by amateur groups and schools) anywhere in the greater New York area while there is an open-ended production running on Broadway.
Plot hole: When Quasimodo is revealed to the crowd during the Festival of Fools, someone identifies him as "the bell-ringer from Notre Dame." This is the first time Quasimodo has ever left the cathedral, so he shouldn't know that.
Plot hole: When Eddie Mannix first views scenes from the movie Hail Ceasar there is a scene depicting Saul of Tarsus (St Paul), but the movie-in-movie's climatic scene and speech are set at the crucifixion of Jesus which happened several years before the events depicted as happening to Saul / Paul.