Trivia: The Rolling Stone magazine that the headmaster finds in the library that reveals Mary Clarence's/Doloris' true self is one of the magazines seen in the credits on the first film.

Trivia: In his previous film, Leon (The Professional), also released in 1994," Gary Oldman makes several references to Beethoven.

Trivia: Originally, Rob Reiner was going to be in the band, but decided on just directing the film after the comment, "he didn't look good in spandex," was made by Harry Shearer.

Trivia: Tom Hanks is the first actor to play Walt Disney in a mainstream feature film.

Trivia: In his regular cameo role, producer Michael G. Wilson appears in the audience at the Opera which Bond and Kara attend in Vienna. He can be seen sitting next-but-one to Saunders.

Trivia: Adam Sandler was paid by the old lady with a meatball, which is the name of his dog.

Trivia: The Cat Juggler, in the film, was Steve Martin. (01:12:40 - 01:13:30)

Trivia: In Jerry Devine's office, the floor-to-ceiling black and white photograph of a glamorous woman is Eddie Izzard (Jerry) in drag.

Trivia: At the beginning, when Wyatt is "removing" Dujour, he says to the pilot, "Take the Chevy to the levee." I'm fairly certain this is a reference to Don McLean's song "American Pie," written for the death of Buddy Holly, a famous 1950 rock-and-roll singer. One of the lines in the song is, "...took my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry."

Trivia: The film suggests that due to the Vatican ban on Madonna, all Italian shows were cancelled. Actually, only one show in Rome was cancelled,the other one proceeded, and there were also two shows taking place in Turin,Italy.

Trivia: There's a brief scene in which Marlene Dietrich congratulates Edith Piaf on her work with the French Resistance in WWII. Marlene later became Edith's bridesmaid at her first wedding.
Suggested correction: Marlene congratulates Piaf on her performance, saying her voice transported her back to Paris.

Trivia: Walt Disney's Fantasia was the first film in history to use stereophonic sound.

Trivia: When Rob and Laura are lying in bed listening to Ray aka Ian have sex, Laura is reading a book called Love Thy Neighbor. Later on we learn that Laura indeed did love her upstairs neighbor.

Trivia: Viola Davis plays 50 Cent's grandmother in the movie, even though in real life she's only 10 years older than him.