Easter egg: Go to Special Features, go down to the bottom option (Featurettes) and hit right to find a little green dog icon. Hit Enter to view the full Tommymax 'Ashton Kutcher' TV Advert with optional commentary.
Easter egg: From the main menu, go to the "Languages" menu. There, with any of the English audio options highlighted, press your Right button. Furry Vengeance will now appear on the right side of the screen. Hit enter to see a 20-minute clip of B. Fraser, exploring the weather.
Easter egg: On disc 2, highlight Play and click up and Enter. It shows a music video.
Easter egg: On the Inspector Gadget 2 DVD, there is an optional main menu hidden. It is the IG2 logo at the top of the screen. If you press the up button while the words Scene Selection are highlighted the logo of IG2 will highlight. Then press Enter.
Easter egg: On the main menu, maneuver your highlighted selection to the fortune cookie below Anna and Tess. This is quite easy to find, but fun to do. It triggers a small "earthquake" and changes the mother and daughter's clothes. Do it again to find more changed clothes, and again to add decorations to the already crazed mix.
Easter egg: On the main menu screen, go down to scene selection and go to the right. A small circle will appear on one of the gauges. Press enter and you get a little drawing sequence.
Easter egg: When you go into the special features, there is a game featuring Char and the fan club. If you want to skip to the "reward", press the left arrow and it will highlight the bottom of Chars picture with a little flower. Press enter and it will come up with the "reward".
Easter egg: Go to "index" and select the star in the lower left hand corner (I think) this takes you to a screen that has a lot of titles on it. Press "play all" they are little movies like happy meal toys of Buzz Hamm Woody and Rex. They are also in stars all over the DVD (special edition disk 2).
Easter egg: From the DVD's Main Menu go to the "Features" section and there press the Left arrow key on your remote control. This will highlight a frog between Hillary Duff and Michael Murray. Now press the 'Enter' key and you will be treated to a brief clip on the producers trying to find the perfect frog prince.
Easter egg: Press "Angle Change" on your remote control at the main menu to replace the default background with animated segments from the movie.
Easter egg: Go to the end of the special features menu and press down on the "main menu" tab and the zebras ears will change colour. Press enter to see a short with the rooster.
Easter egg: On the special edition disk two on the main menu there is a star in the lower right hand corner it is a clip of Jessie's song but the car speeds off and comes back to hit the box Jessie is in.
Easter egg: On the feature disc in the menu where you can access the director's commentary and deleted scenes, click to the right to see a baseball player light up. The director will explain who the voice is.