Deliberate mistake: When Cliff crashes into the pond after his first flight, Peevy tells him that he has to look around with his eyes and steer by moving his head. However, just before this as he is flying next to the passenger airplane, he looks over at it, turning his head to the left without changing directions at all.

Deliberate mistake: Even if the kids split up on the water slide, only the last two fell out of sequence. Mikey exited first followed by Mouth, and Stef, but then Brand fell before Andy, he should have been last.

Deliberate mistake: When Buddy's dog box falls out of the back of the truck the dog box is empty.

Deliberate mistake: In the Spanish version, the headlines of the newspapers are in Spanish, but the rest of the articles are in English. It helps supports the narration, but it causes a very weird effect.

Deliberate mistake: As the Mondo Burger building is falling apart, customers and employees run out the doors. The glass doors then shatter. Not only do they break at the exact same time, there was nothing to make the windows shatter as hard as they did. (01:25:51)

Deliberate mistake: Every time George swings into a tree, there is a George shaped impression created. However, in the next scene the tree is back to its natural shape.

Deliberate mistake: When Jafar sees Aladdin reflected in Jasmine's crown, Aladdin is the only thing visible. This isn't possible- we should have also seen the background of the room, the objects around him, etc.

Deliberate mistake: When the fight first begins on deck of the sub, a henchman jumps from the hatch and picks up a wrench that was lying on deck. If the sub just surfaced, where did that wrench come from?

Deliberate mistake: In Monsters, Inc., when Mike and Sulley walked through Monstropolis to go to the company, Mike said to Sulley "You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade". In this film, we're told Mike and Sulley met in college. [In the commentary, director Dan Scanlon explained that there was a lengthy scene that would have followed Mike and Sully throughout their years in elementary school, but it would have slowed the pace of the film and would have reduced the impact of their rivalry. Rather than spend a lot of time on a back story, Scanlon decided to have Mike and Sully meet in college, even though this was inaccurate.]

Deliberate mistake: I have participated in several amateur karate tournaments over the years and I have yet to see one that is full contact without any protective equipment whatsoever, especially one in which all of the participants are minors. All of the contestants should at a minimum have had mouth guards, gloves and foot pads.

Deliberate mistake: The 45's advertised as new releases on the record store sign actually came out at different times throughout 1955. A true selection of new releases from early November 1955 would have most likely included minor hit singles that 80's moviegoers wouldn't have recognized. The songs listed were some of the biggest hits of that year and were obviously chosen for their ability to help set the musical tone of the time. (00:34:30)

Deliberate mistake: In the shot where the camera zooms in on the car, after they realise they are standing on a train track, it is obvious that the car would be hit by the train even if they managed to change tracks. The car's hood is parked right above the other track. (00:23:45)

Deliberate mistake: After Sharpay falls into the pool, when Gabriella dives in it is an obvious stunt double for the actress. (00:16:40)

Deliberate mistake: After Perseus and his men defeat the scorpions, Kalibos goes after him, lashing his whip. But curiously, the whipping leaves no visible marks.

Deliberate mistake: At the speed trap, Tom points his radar gun at a turtle. From his perspective, he seems to be looking through some sort of scope with cross hairs and numbers on it at the turtle to line up the beam. However, when he then looks at the radar gun at the speed indicated as 1 MP/H, there is nothing on the gun where he could have been looking through such a scope. At best, the top of the run appears to have plastic iron sites. The scoped view would not have been from the device itself perspective since it would not need cross hairs or numbers on said cross hairs as that would be for a person looking through it to have reference points. This scope view of the turtle was most likely just added by the film makers to have a better visual representation of Tom aiming the radar gun at the turtle. (00:04:29)

Deliberate mistake: After Captain Hook pushes away the boat, Mr. Smee loses the oars, and in the next shot, the oars are back.

Deliberate mistake: After Flipper knocks Sandy off the pier with his tail, there is an underwater close-up of the two of them swimming towards each other. This shot is flipped, note Sandy's watch and bracelets have switched wrists. (00:34:20)

Deliberate mistake: Jimbo gets shot in the front with three plastic arrows on his chest when protecting Boss Baby, but they just suddenly vanish. A scene later, Tim shoots him completely in the back, but Jimbo is covered in arrows from the front and back. There was nowhere near enough time for him to turn around, and Tim had already stopped firing to grab the cassette tape.

Deliberate mistake: After the intro, the first shot of Isabel as she starts shouting about not fighting is a flipped shot. Note everything is backwards compared to the following shots. (00:01:15)

Deliberate mistake: After James and Kat enter Whipstaff and get the power turned on, when Kat heads to the staircase to go search for a bedroom, we can see a few of the metal stair runner rods attached to the stairs to keep the carpet runner in place. However, when James falls at the top of that staircase and gets rolled up in the carpet runner like a sushi, there are zero stair runner rods. (00:21:30 - 00:31:50)