Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Deadpool & Wolverine picture

Continuity mistake: When Deadpool is talking to Wolverine's skeleton, in one shot the skeleton's mouth is closed, but in the next shot it is open.


Biggest mistakes of all time

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen picture Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sam is in his bedroom, after he finds the Cube sliver it falls and dramatically burns a hole through the floor into the kitchen. But Sam's bedroom is over the living room (there is nothing on the ground floor below Sam's elevated bathroom, and in the first movie Jazz hides in this open space), and the kitchen is actually located between the den and dining room, at the other end of the house. If they were to follow the actual floor plan of the house, the Cube sliver would have landed in the area of the piano in the living room, but where would the fun have been in that? (00:12:30)

Super Grover

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Carlotta brings the plates for the meal they all have a dome cover with a top handle, but when Sebastian runs across the table those handles have changed. (00:54:50)

Super Grover

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Fallout picture

The Beginning - S1-E8

Trivia: The code that Hank enters ("101097") is a reference to the original "Fallout" video game, which was released on October 10th (10/10) in the year 1997 (97).


Best quotes

Downsizing picture

Ngoc Lan Tran: What kind of fuck you give me? What kind? American people, eight kind of fuck. Love fuck, hate fuck, sex-only fuck, break-up fuck, make-up fuck, drunk fuck, buddy fuck, pity fuck.

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"Cracking toast, Gromit."
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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story picture

Factual error: When they are trying to navigate the shuttle through Eadu, the shuttle abruptly collides with a rock, which causes Bodhi to jolt backwards. If the shuttle hitting the rock had caused the shuttle reduce speed so abruptly, in the way that was shown, then Bodhi would have jolted forwards, not backwards. (00:57:05)

Casual Person

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Captain America: The First Avenger picture

Factual error: When the action moves to England after the failed award ceremony, the British Union Flag hanging from the wall is upside down. The broad white band should be at the top left (nearest the top of the flag pole).

Biggest Disney mistakes

The Aristocats picture

Continuity mistake: When the butler takes the mother and kittens to be abandoned in the countryside he is on a motorcycle and sidecar combination. During the trip the sidecar changes from one side of the bike to the other and back again. Also, when the sidecar separates from the motorcycle when the dogs are chasing Edgar, the wheel on the sidecar switches sides regularly as well.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

The Incredibles picture The Incredibles mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lucius is putting aftershave on in front of the mirror, he hears the robot outside and runs to the window, leaving the bottle of aftershave on the desk with the lid off. He returns to open the drawer, and the lid is back on. (01:29:00)


Best trivia

The Boondock Saints picture

Trivia: The word "fuck" and its derivatives are used a total of 246 times.

Best questions

The Sound of Music picture

Question: Gretel was 5 years old and the mother died seven years ago. Who is Gretel's mom?

Answer: In the film, the Mother Abess explains to Maria that the Captain Von Trapp's wife died "several years" ago. This is commonly misheard by viewers as "seven years." In reality, the actual mother of the Von Trapp children was Agathe Whitehead, who died of scarlet fever in 1922, just four years before Maria came to the Von Trapp home, initially as a tutor (not a governess) in 1926.

Michael Albert

Answer: However when Captain Von Trapp gets the children to step forward and introduce themselves to Maria he states that their mother died 7 years ago.

Not in the 1965 film, perhaps in another version. In the 1965 film the only thing he says about his late wife when he first meets Maria is "you'll be the 12th governess...since their mother died." When he has the children introduce themselves, he only advises Maria to pay attention to their signals and names. Later after he leaves and the children say how old they are, Marta says "I'll be 7 on Tuesday."


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zenee 83
Ssiscool 49
Super Grover 30
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raywest 16
EllenEncore 16
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Rob245 13
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