Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

The Equalizer 3 picture

Character mistake: When McCall put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger, he's saddened that it didn't go off. Most handguns (including the one he was using), after the last round is fired, the slide locks to the rear. He would not have made the mistake of thinking it was loaded.


Biggest mistakes of all time

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: After the Stormtrooper tells Darth Vader the Death Star plans are not in the main computer, when Vader lifts the Rebel off his feet by his throat as the Rebel tells him they intercepted no transmissions, take note of the leg plates on the Stormtrooper to Vader's right. In the wide shot, the Stormtrooper's left leg armor does not have the knee protector plate (it looks as if it's at his right knee because the extra switched them), but in the next closeup the knee plate appears at his left knee, as it should be. The trooper also appears to go from right handed to left handed weapon carry. (00:05:40)

Super Grover

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Watchmen picture

Trivia: During the opening fight scene, Comedian throws a mug at his attacker, but misses. The mug strikes the numerals on his apartment door, knocking the '1' off. This turns 3001 into "300", the name of the director's previous hit film.


Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture

Revealing mistake: In many of the scenes taking place in outer space, if you look closely you can see polygon borders surrounding space vehicles (X-Wings, Star Destroyers, and even the Death Star) indicating the objects being superimposed into the outer space background. [This mistake may only apply to the Blu Ray version.]


Best questions

Answer: Molly gets adopted by Warbucks and becomes Annie's sister and the other orphans get adopted by other families while a reformed Miss Hannigan becomes a schoolteacher.

Answer: They are no longer at the orphanage since Miss Hannigan reformed and became a schoolteacher. So they are all adopted with Annie by "Daddy" Warbucks.

Answer: They're still staying at the orphanage, but it seems Mr. Warbucks is helping to fund them and Miss Hannigan has had a change of heart, so it's not so grim.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Annie and Molly both get adopted by Oliver Warbucks and become sisters ages 10 and 6 and live with the male family dog, Sandy and Oliver marries Grace Farrell and Grace becomes Annie and Molly's mom.

Answer: 10 year old Annie and six year old Molly and another orphan named Chloe get adopted by Oliver Warbucks and have the male family dog, Sandy and Oliver marries Grace Farrell and Grace becomes the girls' new mom.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Cars picture

Other mistake: After the first race, in the scene where Lightning is rushing out on the stage thinking he is the winner, loads of confetti is shot out when the King and Chick Hicks gets onto the stage. The confetti is then falling down, but not a single flake hits any of the cars. However, in the following shots, you can see plenty of it on the stage underneath the cars, even though they haven't moved.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Best quotes

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory picture

Grandpa Joe: Mr. Wonka! I don't know if you remember me, but I used to work here in the factory.
Willy Wonka: Were you one of those despicable spies who everyday tried to steal my life's work and sell it to those parasitic copycat candy making cads?
Grandpa Joe: No, sir.
Willy Wonka: Then wonderful, welcome back.

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Biggest Marvel mistakes

Captain America: Civil War picture

Continuity mistake: As Captain America arrives in his car at the airport car park, he stops right next to the line dividing the spots. In the following shot, when he steps out, the car is further away from the line, more towards the center of the spot. (01:26:50)

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Big Game 23
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