Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

The Equalizer 3 picture

Character mistake: When McCall put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger, he's saddened that it didn't go off. Most handguns (including the one he was using), after the last round is fired, the slide locks to the rear. He would not have made the mistake of thinking it was loaded.


Biggest mistakes of all time

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen picture Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sam is in his bedroom, after he finds the Cube sliver it falls and dramatically burns a hole through the floor into the kitchen. But Sam's bedroom is over the living room (there is nothing on the ground floor below Sam's elevated bathroom, and in the first movie Jazz hides in this open space), and the kitchen is actually located between the den and dining room, at the other end of the house. If they were to follow the actual floor plan of the house, the Cube sliver would have landed in the area of the piano in the living room, but where would the fun have been in that? (00:12:30)

Super Grover

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Hooper gets his gear from below, after the explosion in the engine room, he runs to the deck passing Quint using the fire extinguisher. The camera pans from Brody, who stands on the bridge deck, to Hooper right below him. So where exactly is the tall iron ladder that leads up to the bridge deck in this shot? It should be behind Hooper, in front of the window, but it's gone. Don't fret, it's back in the following shots. (01:49:05)

Super Grover

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The Holdovers picture

Continuity mistake: His lazy eye is not consistently on his left or the right. It switches from scene to scene. Even though in the end he says it's his right eye people should always look at.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Monsters University picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Mike is at the school door lab. When he swipes the access card the door swings out. But when the campus police try to get in it is blocked from the inside, indicating the door opens inwards.

Mystic wolf

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Suggested correction: If you look carefully, you will see, that those are actually two different doors, which even have hinges on different sides. There's some space between them in the entrance to the lab, it can be seen just before Mike enters.

Best trivia

Joker picture Joker trivia picture

Trivia: The font used for Live With Murray Franklin is identical to the Batman animated series titles. The name of the font is "Plaza," for those that might be curious.

Biggest Disney mistakes

101 Dalmatians picture 101 Dalmatians mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the park, when Pongo tries to get Roger to meet Anita he yanks Roger ahead, and Roger leaves his hat on the bench. In the next shot, when Roger and Anita are entwined in Pongo's leash, Roger is wearing his hat. (00:09:30)

Best questions

Carrie picture

Question: When Tommy and Carrie are at the prom, does he start to like her for real, or is he just pretending to make Carrie feel better about herself?

Answer: He starts to genuinely like her, hence his disgusted reaction at the sick practical joke played on her.


Best quotes

Movie quote quiz

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"I don't give a crap if you covered yourself and had a 15 hooker gang bang."
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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: The Force Awakens picture Star Wars: The Force Awakens mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Rey touches Luke's lightsaber she begins to have the vision, and when she falls to the floor the blaster is missing from the back of her belt, but after she "sees" Luke and R2 and then stands up the blaster is back again, tucked into her belt (even though Rey's having her vision of things all around her, she herself is not a vision).

Super Grover

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Captain America: The First Avenger picture

Factual error: When the action moves to England after the failed award ceremony, the British Union Flag hanging from the wall is upside down. The broad white band should be at the top left (nearest the top of the flag pole).

Member Entries & comments
Super Grover 79
Sacha 65
TedStixon 62
zenee 51
Ssiscool 28
Phaneron 27
Big Game 22
Rob245 14
raywest 12
Bishop73 10
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