Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Where was Pyro when Magneto went to Jean's house and the professor was killed?

Answer: We aren't told for certain, but given that he is Magneto's right-hand man, he may have been instructed to remain at their base camp in order to assume command of Magneto's army should Magneto's mission to recruit Jean have gone awry.

Question: Does Mrs Hobday's accent change from Welsh (beginning), then Scottish (half way through), then Welsh again (end)? I'm Welsh, and this has always bothered me.


Question: Here's something I'm confused about, and I've only seen this movie twice now; Why didn't Dr. Schultz shake Candie's hand to seal the deal? Also, why was Stephen, and Django himself, so disrespectful to their own kind? I know Stephen was "raised" by white folk but Django? His comment to the doctor doesn't make much sense. I hope I explained these enough; I'm just a little confused about all this.

Answer: Dr. Schultz's pride coupled with his disdain for Candie wouldn't allow him to shake his hand. Stephen is unfortunately completely subservient to his white master, and is what is known to be an "Uncle Tom." Django's behavior towards fellow blacks is just a front he's putting on in order to get into Candie's good graces so he can rescue his wife.


Answer: It was all Black Market merchandise. Usually not of any good use; total rip-off.

Question: After Rose rescues Jack from below decks, they run past Mr. Andrews, who's standing in front of a fireplace, leaning in towards it. What room is he in? It looks like the First Class Lounge, which deck plans show has a fireplace but it's towards the forward end of the ship, which means Mr. Andrews should have been leaning away from the fireplace since the incline was towards aft. I haven't been able to locate an answer to this.


Chosen answer: It's the First Class smoke room, which has the ship's only functional fireplace facing the fore. As the ship's fore (front) is pointing down into the water, Andrews is standing at a tilt against the incline, so his stance is tilted towards the ship's aft and therefore he is leaning against the fireplace.


Question: Where did he find time to get another clip to kill the hillbillies but no bullets to kill the sick friend in the shed? After his other friend's head was blown open?

Answer: It was on safety mode. The hillbilly told him that.

Answer: I think he had the safety on in the shed and they used the clicking to show it was not firing.

But he shot the dog right before that.

Answer: He used a different gun.

Chosen answer: They were talking about the apartment Steve Rogers lives in. Pierce is saying Nick Fury bugged Cap's apartment, one of his own agents.


Question: Why did Winthrope try another exchange of suitcase (on the train, with Bleeks) and got caught, when Valentine already made such an attempt before and was successful in it?

Chosen answer: They had to make sure what the crop report said before they could put a fake report in so they can fool the Dukes. Basically Valentine got the case and gave it to Winthorpe. Whinthorpe removed the crop report and replaced it with a fake one. Then he had to get the fake to Bleeks.

Question: Early in the film, Rawhead Rex kills a farmer, but the farmer's pregnant wife gets Rex's attention and he goes toward the house. She runs upstairs to hide but the monster follows, cornering her in the bedroom. He reaches out to her, but then relents and spares her for some reason. The movie never really explains why. Can anyone explain why he let her live?


Chosen answer: Pregnant woman (and possibly women on their periods) are his weakness and the only thing he fears.


Question: From the end subplot, it seems that while the primary motivation for Jack Sparrow was the capture of Black Pearl, he did have a favourable view of Will (his father has tacitly supported Jack) and Elizabeth. Also, it seems that his aim was also to take revenge from Barbossa. In light of the above fact, I don't understand what was his plan when he first went to Barbossa and the pirates, with Will (when he was made unconscious by Will). And when he tries bargaining with Barbossa about leaving him on an island, while taking the Black Pearl with him. Did he really plan to turn Will in, at those points? If not, and if he is a good guy in support of Will, then what was his plan all along?

Chosen answer: His initial plan was to use Will as a bargaining chip in exchange for the Pearl since Will could lift the curse of the pirates. He needed that curse lifted as he wanted to kill Barbossa. That failed when Will found out and knocked him unconscious and he was captured. Having lost his bargaining chip he is just out to stay alive again and try a different way of getting the pearl and his revenge. Yes he really did plan to turn Will in, Jack is not a good person.


Answer: It is never stated or hinted.


Question: After the council decides to not train Anakin and Qui-Gon decided to train Anakin himself why does Obi-Wan look like he was betrayed?


Chosen answer: Obi-Wan didn't feel betrayed, he was dismayed at Qui Gon once again openly defying the word of the council. The two disagree on Anakin and Kenobi feels that were Qui Gon to simply follow the rules, he would have been on the council by now.


Chosen answer: Obi-Wan implies Qui Gon's idealism and rebellious nature keep him from being offered a seat on the council. Kenobi specifically brings this up when Qui Gon states that he will defy the council and train Anakin himself. Apparently not following orders is somewhat common for Qui Gon.


Question: How exactly is the level of Jedi knight different to padawan learner apart from having a padawan of their own?


Chosen answer: A padawan is an apprentice Jedi. They are still learning and haven't mastered the skills needed to go out on their own. Once a padawan has passed the trials, a series of tests designed to test the Jedi against what they will face in the universe, they can receive a promotion to knight. Knights are able to be sent out on missions alone. Padawans are not.

Greg Dwyer

Chosen answer: According to the Star Wars Wiki, he is not. He is a member of the Church of the Force and believes in the ideals of the Jedi order despite not being force sensitive himself.


Question: I know this is an opinionated question. Can someone give me the top 10 most powerful characters in Star Wars?


Chosen answer: It really is impossible to give a completely accurate list about this, as there are many meanings to the word "power", and no measuring unit for it.Anyways, these are just my opinions.Here's my attempt: 1. DARTH SIDIOUS/PALPATINE - He was able to use "force stealth" on the Jedi. Plus, he is the Dark Lord of the Sith. He was able to kill his master (Darth Plagueis) in his sleep. 2. YODA - The Grand Master of the Jedi Order. He can control the force lightning of Sidious and Tyranus. It was said that only Mace Windu, Count Dooku and Palpatine were able to fight with him on equal terms. 3. DARTH VADER - He is an extremely powerful in the force by lifting objects without using his hands, able to defeat Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. 4. DARTH TYRANUS/COUNT DOOKU - A menacing Sith Lord and a rogue Jedi. Though old already, he was able to defeat Obi Wan twice and Anakin once. He could use a force lightning ability which Darth Maul and Darth Vader couldn't do. Sidious, Yoda and Windu are considered his equals.He was the swordsman in the galaxy. 5. MACE WINDU - A higher rank of the Jedi Order. Considered one of the greatest swordsmen ever produced by the Jedi Order. He was a master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat. He began his development of the deadly form of combat known as Vaapad. 6. OBI-WAN KENOBI - A wise and brave Jedi Master. He was the first one who kill a Sith Lord Ever. Aside from Darth Maul, he defeated General Griveous and the Pre Darth Vader version. He was able to appear as a force ghost after his death. 7. DARTH MAUL - Wielded a double bladed lightsaber and he was a skilled Zabrak warrior. Very fast in a lightsaber duel. He even resurrects in the Clone Wars Series. 8. LUKE SKYWALKER -The greatest Jedi of all time. He is able to redeem his father to the light, which Obi-wan couldn't do. 9. QUI-GON JINN - A maverick and wise Jedi master. He had used the Force to help and protect Anakin all the way. 10. ANAKIN SKYWALKER - The Chosen One and he was prophesied to destroy the Sith, which he did in the end. *HONORABLE MENTION* - GENERAL GRIEVOUS - though not knowing the ways of the force, he is a skilled lightsaber combatant. With four arms with lightsabers, he could block himself from blasters.


This needs an update. Merge Anakin with Vader since they're one and the same and add in Kylo Ren and Rey. New Order: 1. Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious 2. Yoda 3. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker 4. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo 5. Rey "Skywalker" 6. Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 7. Mace Windu 8. Obi-Wan Kenobi 9. Darth Maul 10. Luke Skywalker Honorable Mentions - Leia Organa, Qui-Gon Jinn, General Grievous.

Shawn M. Milburn

Sidious isn't the most powerful force user. Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu and Yoda overpowered him. Obi-Wan could probably beat him too. Sidious' powers lay in his secrecy and intrigue. Only that way he survived. Not his force use.


Question: Why couldn't Anakin's hair grow back after being put in the life support suit?

Answer: He suffered third degree burns over most of his body, completely destroying the hair follicles on his head, thus it is impossible for him to regrow hair. This is common in severe burn victims.


Chosen answer: Yoda states that Qui Gon "recently" learned how to contact him. Presumably he had not learned the skill in time.


Chosen answer: He certainly knows that the Jedi believe Anakin to be the Chosen One. Whether he believes the prophecy himself is unknown, however he likely does not. He holds Vader in no higher regard than any of his other apprentices and is ready to replace him with Luke without a moment's pause after the two fight in Return of the Jedi.


Question: With the death of Vic Morrow, how were they able to film him being captured by two Nazi officers and thrown into a freight train car?

Answer: Due to production logistics, movies are rarely filmed in a linear timeline. Storyboards visually map out the entire plot to provide the director continuity while filming different scenes, in various order, and often simultaneously with second-unit directors. As to the movie, Morrow's segment was originally supposed to end with the Vietnam scene. After Morrow rescued the two children, thus redeeming his character, he was to be returned to his own timeline. However, after the fatal accident and with the filming incomplete, the scenes were reordered so that the segment now ended with Morrow being sent to a Nazi concentration camp.


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