Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: After Dex finished reading the headlines from the articles about Sunshine's disappearance to Dan, he starts speaking to Dan. When he starts talking with Dan, saying "The only case...", his arms are by his side, but as soon as the shot cuts, his right hand is suddenly near raised. (00:13:10)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dan's plane is descending into the tree, there are two groups of gnomes shown near the tree after Dan breaks through a window. A couple of shots later, in another angle of the plane descending, there is now only one group of gnomes standing near the tree. (00:14:30)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: As Dan's plane is crashing into the tree, in the shot where a gnome is heard saying "Women and children second. Gnomes first, gnomes first", Dan is in the pilot seat sitting down. In the next shot, Dan is suddenly standing in the seat, whilst hitting the plane with a hammer. (00:14:35)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Cheasel is holding Polar Penguin, he is first holding onto Polar with his left hand. Dex then tells Cheasel to put him down and he is suddenly holding Polar with his right hand. Cheasel then drops Polar in the next shot with his left hand. (00:15:35)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: After Cheasel puts down Polar, he is talking with Dex. He is extending his neck so it's below his neck line, but in the next shot, his neck is suddenly extended far more upwards, above the neck line. (00:15:55)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Cheasel is attempting to entice Dex with some products, there is a wall visible in the background behind him. The shot cuts to an extreme close-up of Dex, but when the shot cuts back to Cheasel, he is suddenly much further away from the wall, than when he was shown two shots prior. (00:16:00)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Cheasel realises he is standing on a train track, he says to Dex "You despise me, don't you?" As he says this, watch the building in the background, directly behind him. In the next shot, Cheasel has suddenly moved, as shown by his position in relation to the building. (00:16:20)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Dex is walking down the red carpet at the Copa-Banana, he is being interviewed by a news reporter and begins to turn around a corner in the carpet. In the next shot, he is suddenly walking down a straight line, then reaches the corner a second time. (00:16:45)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dex is walking up to the Copa-Banana, the red carpet stops once it reaches the steps towards the entrance of the Copa-Banana, but in the next shot, the red carpet is now shown continuing onto the steps, finishing at the entrance. (00:17:00)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dex is inside the Copa-Banana, he walks past Charlie the Tuna, but when the shot cuts to Charlie the Tuna, Dex is suddenly nowhere in sight. (00:17:45)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: In the Copa-Banana, Charlie the Tuna is walking with a soldier. In one shot, Charlie the Tuna and the soldier are right next to each other, but in the next shot, there is a visible gap between the two. (00:17:45)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Dex tells the Fat Cat Burglar he is giving him one last chance, the hamster in yellow behind him is standing mostly still with some upper body movements, but in the next shot, the hamster in yellow is suddenly spinning around in circles. (00:02:55)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after the Fat Cat Burglar says "It is you, the great Dex Dogtective who's about to take a fall. Or should I say, be pushed", the shot cuts a wide angle where the hairless hamster henchmen are cornering Dex. Behind Dex is a henchman wearing red who is standing behind Dex on his left, but in the next shot, the henchman in red is suddenly standing behind Dex on his right. (00:03:05)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: When the Fat Cat Burglar tells the hairless hamster henchmen to exterminate Dex, the shot cuts to Dex quickly gulping a raisin. In this shot, the henchman wearing red is standing directly behind Dex. In the next shot, the henchman in red is suddenly standing more to Dex's right. (00:03:15)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the reporter tells Dex this is his 500th case solved, there are extras in the background cheering. One of them to the right of shot is a man with ginger hair, moustache and beard. In one shot, he is wearing a light beige blazer, purple bow tie and white shirt, but in the next shot, when the reporter asks what is his secret, he is suddenly wearing a brown jacket, green bow tie and black shirt. (00:04:30)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dex is being interviewed in the park, he is holding the basket of baby kittens that he rescued. He is never shown handing the basket to anybody else, but just seconds later, as everyone leaves and Dan arrives in the scene, the basket of baby kittens has suddenly vanished. (00:04:30)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Dex says the secret is inside to the reporter, the hamster henchman lands on the ground behind him, but a couple of shots later, they have disappeared. (00:04:30)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As the crowd of people in the park begin to leave, in the wide angle shot, watch the background behind Dex. There is a large quantity of red flowers, a building to the left of shot in the far background and a forest further back than the flowers and the building. The shot cuts to Dex saying "The real secret is that I am scared out of my mind Dan" and the entire background changes. There are now trees that have suddenly appeared behind Dex in the background, the red flowers are now way further back than in the previous shot and a building has suddenly appeared on the right hand side of the shot, while the building to the left of shot shown in the previous angle has moved to another part of the park, as shown when Dan tells him he can do it with him to help him. (00:04:35)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight! mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dex asks Dan if Sunshine will like the four carrot ring, his shadow is seen behind him, but when he says everything has got to be perfect, his shadow has changed position. (00:04:55)

Casual Person

10th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Dex shows Dan the four carrots ring he plans on giving to Sunshine, as Dan says "You got four carrots?", Dex's hand is around a couple of inches away from Dan. The shot then cuts to a closer angle of Dan and Dex's hand is nowhere in sight. (00:04:50)

Casual Person

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