Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Now You See Me (2013)

Continuity mistake: When Jack is being chased by Dylan and Alma, he drives onto a sidewalk and knocks into two bikes. He continues driving and most of the two bikes slide off the car, leaving one of the bike wheels stuck to the bumper. In the next shot, almost the entire bike is still stuck to the bumper. (01:22:10)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Now You See Me (2013)

Now You See Me mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Jack shows Dylan the cards (before throwing them at him), Dylan then says "Really?" And we can see there is already a huge red scratch on his cheek, which isn't caused until the cards are thrown. It couldn't have been from when Jack threw the flash paper at Dylan because no scratch mark was visible when that happened. (01:18:50)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Now You See Me (2013)

Continuity mistake: When Dylan and co are in the truck, finding out that his phone has a bug in it, Dylan tells the female agent to put the bug back in his phone. As Dylan says "They don't know that we know about the bug", Alma is looking at Dylan. Next shot, she's suddenly looking at the female agent putting the bug back in his phone. (01:14:05)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

The Simpsons Game (2007)

Continuity mistake: Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game: The first part of the level consists of Homer and Lisa defeating the Dirt Sumos. But as soon as the cut scene starts, all of the sumos have vanished. Even the ones that weren't defeated.

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

The Simpsons Game (2007)

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Medal of Homer: When Homer, Bart and Abe return to the village after stopping Burns, they exit the van with the door left open. Very next shot, the door is closed.

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

The Simpsons Game (2007)

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Medal of Homer: When Homer, Bart, Abe and Burns discuss the plan, they are all standing next to each other. Burns suggests that he and Abe get the paintings, and we can see the other three aren't visible around him at all anymore. Abe then replies and the other three still aren't visible at all. Then in the next shot, the four are suddenly all next to each other again.

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

The Simpsons Game (2007)

Continuity mistake: Medal of Homer: At the start of the level, Homer and Bart have to run up to Uter. As soon as the cut scene starts, Homer and Bart are suddenly back to where they started.

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

The Simpsons Game (2007)

Continuity mistake: Medal of Homer: As soon as you will start to have to walk over to Uter. A cut scene plays where he throws a rock into one of the windows and the French citizens put up surrender flags in their windows. However, as you walk over to Uter before the cut scene, you can see the houses already have a flag in their window.

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Continuity mistake: When Tony and Rhodey first get noticed as they search the oil platform, one of the Extremis soldiers starts shooting at them. They dodge the bullets and hide. Tony then says "You see that? Nailed it" and he is shown to be looking at Rhodey. Next shot, he's suddenly looking downwards. (01:41:15)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Continuity mistake: When Tony is creating his weapons, one shot shows the electric glove he is wearing to be designed for his left hand. Later on, when he is in the Mandarin's mansion, he attacks one of the guards with the electric glove, only now the glove is on his right hand. (01:12:50 - 01:14:10)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Continuity mistake: As the house is being attacked, Tony slides down the floor, smashes through a window and grabs onto the window frame. As the shot ends, his head is definitely under the frame, but in the instant shot following, his head is suddenly over the window frame. (00:36:00)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Continuity mistake: After Tony hangs up on Happy using Face-Time, the scene cuts to Pepper and Killian having a conversation. As Pepper says "As in, enhanced soldiers, private armies, and Tony is...", she is cut off by Killian. When Killian starts speaking, he shifts his head to the left and starts looking downwards. In the next shot, he is suddenly looking straight back up at Pepper. (00:17:45)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Continuity mistake: As Maya is showing Tony her research, in the shot where Tony says "Essentially, you're hacking into that of the genetic operating system...", Tony is shown to be looking at Maya. Then as he finishes off the sentence with "of a living organism" in the following shot, Tony is suddenly looking at the computer. (00:02:55)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Continuity mistake: When Tony tells Killian to go to the roof, he leaves the lift. In this shot, there is a strand of Killian's hair layed over his face and nose in a straight line. In the next shot as he says "I'll see you up there", the bottom of the strand is suddenly curved over to the left side of his face. (00:02:40)

Casual Person

11th Aug 2014

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Continuity mistake: In 1999, when everyone exits the lift, Tony and Killian stay inside the lift. As everyone leaves, Tony places his hand on the door frame. In the following close-ups of Tony and Killian, Tony's arm never shows any signs of moving his hand, but as he leaves the lift, his hand is no longer on the door frame. (00:02:35)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Doctor Branton drives up to the facility, the guard says to her "You lost, miss?" During this shot, Branton's driving hand is placed on the left hand corner of the wheel. Next shot, the hand is placed on top of the wheel. (01:07:50)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: After Cornelius knocks out the guard with the food tray, he makes for the door. He places his right hand on the door next to the wall, but as he exits the room in the next shot, his hand is suddenly wrapped around the door frame. (01:01:55)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the guard with the milk and the oranges enters Cornelius and Zira's cell, the jug is 60-70% full. As the guard says "You better drink your soup and eat the oranges...", there is less milk in it. (01:01:35)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: The scientists tell Zira to put the shaped blocks back in the box. She starts by placing an orange heptagon in the box, followed by a purple square and blue square, followed by a blue triangle. This is all she puts in the box in this shot, but by the next shot, a red star has appeared and an orange shape has appeared in the corner of the box. Also, the blue square has vanished and Zira then puts a purple box down in its place. (00:14:10)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the scientists are using the blocks on Zira, Zira is told to point to the blue blocks. As she points, the blue block is at the front of the pile from the scientist's perspective. In the next shot, the blue block is suddenly in the middle of pile. (00:13:30)

Casual Person

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