Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie drops the Bloody Mary, in the shot of her dropping the glass, it is shown falling out of her right hand and is shown falling toward the right-hand side of her body. Then there is a close-up of Julie's feet where the glass is shown landing directly in front of her. (00:36:50)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie starts placing the bandage over Celine's knee, in the quick close-up shot, only the wound dressing can be seen beneath the bandage. There is then a shot of Celine wincing, but when the shot cuts again, a piece of cotton wool has appeared beneath the bandage that was not shown in the close-up. Also, around a minute later, when Julie finishes wrapping the bandage, there is another close-up where the cotton wool has disappeared. (00:34:18 - 00:35:28)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie is placing the wound dressing over Celine's knee, Celine has her right hand placed against the side of her thigh. Then there is a close-up of Celine's knee, where her right hand is placed firmly over her knee, before going back to her original position in the next shot. (00:34:02)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Celine is explaining what happened to her while Julie is cleaning her wound, just as Celine mentions the bracelet with a foreign girl's name on it, Celine is holding a bottle in her hand. The shot cuts to Julie, and she is never shown moving the bottle. When the shot cuts again, the bottle is back on the toy chest. It remains on the chest until Celine mentions the two passports, where it is suddenly in Julie's hand again. (00:32:50 - 00:33:23)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie begins tending to wound on Celine's leg, she places a glass bottle on the toy chest Celine is sitting on. The bottle is placed in a position where it is obscured by Celine's leg. Celine never moves her leg, but two shots later, the bottle changes position and is now visible, without being obscured by Celine's leg. (00:32:27)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie and Lil finish using the tarot cards, Julie picks up a cigarette that is full. A couple seconds later, after telling a man that he may smoke discreetly, she raises her cigarette and it is nearly half gone. (00:18:23)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie flips over the Hermit tarot card, her hand can be seen placed over it, but when it cuts to a close-up of the card, her hand cannot be seen over it. (00:17:44)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lil places four of the tarot cards on the desk, she places her right hand over the card deck. In the next shot, she is holding the card deck in her left hand. (00:17:22)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie places the tarot cards on the desk, the card labeled XVI is placed against the edge of the desk. A close-up of the XVI card is then shown, but the edge of the desk cannot be seen. (00:16:25)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Celine notices Julie behind her and is holding the baby doll, she begins to walk away. At first, the doll's head is positioned against the side of Julie's arm. When the shot cuts, the doll's head is now positioned in front of Julie's arm. (00:11:40)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie is taking off her shoes, after taking off her first shoe, her body is hunched to the right. But in the next shot, she is standing upright. (00:10:47)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie is running up the stairs to catch up with Celine, in the shot where the camera is positioned at the bottom of the staircase, there are two people ahead of her walking down the steps. The camera then changes to a closer angle in front of her, and the two people walking down the stairs have disappeared. There is also one completely different man who has appeared on the steps. (00:09:25)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Julie raises Celine's scarf in front of her face, at first, her right hand is positioned part way along the top right, leaving part of the scarf flowing freely. It then cuts to Celine walking away, and when it cuts back to Julie, her right hand is touching the top right corner of the scarf. (00:07:28)

Casual Person

Celine and Julie Go Boating mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Whilst Celine is sitting on the bench, she is putting on some lipstick. When she finishes, she removes her arm from the back of the bench she is leaning on. When the shot cuts, she removes her arm from the bench a second time. (00:06:43)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Celine notices Julie following her, after Julie puts the scarf behind her back and pretends she isn't looking, Celine turns around and begins to walk away. In the next shot, she turns around and begins to walk away a second time. (00:04:58)

Casual Person

11th Oct 2022

Breaking Bad (2008)

Felina - S5-E16

Continuity mistake: When Jesse has finished strangling Todd, in the shot of Jesse snapping Todd's neck, Todd has his right hand placed over his chest. When the shot cuts, Todd's right hand is at his side. (00:46:42)

Casual Person

11th Oct 2022

Breaking Bad (2008)

Felina - S5-E16

Continuity mistake: When the machine gun has finished firing, Kenny's body is shown in the remote controlled armchair with his head turned to the left. When the shot cuts to an overview angle, his head is facing directly forwards. (00:45:15)

Casual Person

11th Oct 2022

Breaking Bad (2008)

Felina - S5-E16

Continuity mistake: When Walter pushes Jesse to the floor, Jack has his arms at his side and there is nothing in his mouth. When the camera changes angles, Jack suddenly has a cigarette in his mouth and his right hand is holding onto it. (00:44:08)

Casual Person

11th Oct 2022

Breaking Bad (2008)

Felina - S5-E16

Continuity mistake: When Skyler picks up the lottery ticket, in the close-up shot, she has two fingers placed over the top half of the ticket. When the shot cuts, those two fingers are suddenly no longer touching the ticket. (00:32:00)

Casual Person

11th Oct 2022

Breaking Bad (2008)

To'hajiilee - S5-E13

Continuity mistake: When Lydia is telling Todd about what her buyers are expecting, the cup of tea she is holding has a string and label over the front side of the cup. The string and label stay in the same place when Todd moves over to her, but when the shot cuts back to Lydia, the string and label are suddenly at the other side of the cup, before continuing to jump back and forth between front and back for the next few shots. (00:03:50)

Casual Person

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