Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Whilst Jung-seok is driving with his family on the first day of the zombie outbreak, after he says "All other roads must be blocked", his sister looks to the left to face her son in the back seat. The shot then cuts to focus on Jung-seok, and the sister can now be seen looking straight forwards out the window. (00:01:45)

Casual Person

Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the police investigator is speaking with the reporter after leaving the victim's apartment before getting in his car, just as he says "No undergarments were found in the apartment", the reporter is shown lowering the notepad in his left hand and has his right hand with a pen in it, placed on top of the car. In the next shot, the reporter's left hand and his notepad are suddenly placed on top of the car, writing in the notepad with his pen. The shot after that, only the right hand is placed on top of the car and the left hand is at his side. (00:25:48)

Casual Person

25th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sator is in the blue room after walking through the turnstile, he picks up Kat, puts her against the window, counts down from three to one and shoots her. Whilst he is counting down, he has his hand on Kat's shoulder. The camera then changes to a different angle where his hand is now on Kat's upper arm, and then moves onto her shoulder. Sator then pulls Kat away from the window with his hand on her upper arm. (01:24:58)

Casual Person

14th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after the interrogation has been shown from Sator's perspective, it cuts back to the Protagonist and the other soldiers in the present. There is a shot of a medic looking over Kat, where his left hand is shown placing his gun on the ground. It then cuts to a different angle where his left hand is now placed over Kat's stomach. (01:25:41)

Casual Person

8th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: The Protagonist and Priya are walking along a pathway in a park whilst talking about the creator of the algorithm. There are multiple points in this scene where the direction of their head changes between cuts. When the Protagonist says "The past", Priya is looking forwards, but when the shot cuts, she is looking more to the left. Later, Priya says "Nine sets of the most closely guarded materials in the world" and the Protagonist is shown looking at her, but when the shot cuts, he is suddenly looking forwards. She then says "The best hiding place possible" looking at the Protagonist, but is then looking forwards in the next shot. Seconds after that, when she says "Find and assemble the algorithm" she is looking at the Protagonist, but is then shown looking forwards when the shot cuts. After the Protagonist asks why they chose Sator, Priya replies looking at the Protagonist, then looking forwards, then looking slightly to the left, then back to looking forwards in the next shot. (01:47:55)

Casual Person

8th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Ives is briefing the red team about the mission before they go to Stalsk-12, in the first shot inside the tent, there is a brunette woman in the front row to the right of shot, who is shown is pulling her hood down and then begins smoothing her hair. The shot then cuts to an angle in front of the soldiers, but when the shot cuts again, that same woman is shown pulling her hood down and smoothing her hair a second time. (01:56:42)

Casual Person

8th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: Just before the plane is about to crash into the Freeport, there is a shot of Mahir climbing down an emergency ladder, but when it cuts to a wide shot of the plane headed towards the building, Mahir has suddenly disappeared from the ladder. (00:42:10)

Casual Person

5th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: When the bodyguards begin to pull the Protagonist and Kat out of the inverted vehicle after stopping it, Volkov is the only person who is first shown grabbing onto the Protagonist to try and pull him out. It then cuts to a closer shot, and a second bodyguard has suddenly appeared, to help Volkov pull the Protagonist out of the vehicle. (01:21:57)

Casual Person

5th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist and Neil first see the inverted vehicle driving backwards towards them, there is a bridge (with an Alexela sign) shown in front of them and just ahead of the bridge is a gas station shown to the right of shot. It then cuts back to the Protagonist and Neil, where Neil asks "The hell is that?" and when it cuts back to outside the windscreen again, the bridge (with the Alexela sign) and the gas station are no longer visible, presumably having driven past them. It then cuts to a shot focusing on the Protagonist, and when the shot cuts back to the inverted vehicle bumping into the wing mirror, they are suddenly behind the bridge and gas station again and are yet to drive past it. (01:18:30)

Casual Person

5th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sator confronts Kat in her bedroom, he begins to unbuckle his belt. He is first shown with both hands beginning to unbuckle the belt near the front of his trousers, but when the shot cuts, his right hand is suddenly shown pulling the belt out of the belt loops on the right hand side of the trousers. (01:03:25)

Casual Person

5th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist and Neil walk into the two rooms with the turnstile in the Oslo Freeport, just after the Protagonist tells Neil not to touch the bullet holes in the window, Neil asks "What the hell happened here." At this point, his head is turned about 90° to the right. In the next shot, his head is turned more forwards and much less to the right. (00:44:50)

Casual Person

5th Jan 2021

Tenet (2020)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the bodyguards have the Protagonist cornered in the kitchen, they place his hand on a chopping board. In one shot, just as one of the bodyguards raises a utensil he is holding to hit his hand with, the Protagonist is shown raising his fingers slightly, right before the shot cuts. It then cuts to a different angle where his hand is now flat on the chopping board. (00:32:40)

Casual Person

29th Dec 2020

Tenet (2020)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after the Protagonist has shot Priya, Kat is shown closing her phone after using it. Behind her, a man and woman are shown walking past on the sidewalk, and then after that, two women are shown walking past. In the next shot, these people suddenly disappear from the sidewalk completely. (02:23:56)

Casual Person

29th Dec 2020

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Priya is preparing to have Kat assassinated, the Protagonist gets inside her car and shoots the gunman. Priya then turns the mirror around to see the Protagonist's reflection. In the shot after this, she is shown lowering her hand away from the mirror. It then cuts back to the mirror and her hand is suddenly back on it again. (02:23:03)

Casual Person

29th Dec 2020

Tenet (2020)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In Stalsk-12, Wheeler and a blue team soldier take cover inside a house in which chunks of rubble have been blown out of the wall. When the pieces of rubble begin to reassemble back into the wall, Wheeler runs out and the soldier attempts to run out but gets sealed back in. Right after Wheeler runs out of the hole, and the soldier begins screaming, he is shown standing upright. But in the next shot, right before the rubble chunks go back into the wall, the soldier can be seen now kneeling over the hole in the wall. (02:05:45)

Casual Person

29th Dec 2020

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist and Kat are speaking shortly before the journey to Stalsk-12, in the shot where Kat leans in to kiss him on the cheek, the oxygen mask that the Protagonist is shown wearing is positioned hanging directly in front of his mouth. The shot cuts to focus on Kat, but when it cuts back to the Protagonist, the oxygen mask is suddenly hanging in front of his left cheek. (01:55:34)

Casual Person

29th Dec 2020

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist approaches Priya after inverting back in Oslo, right as he says hello to her, on Priya's left, a woman and man can be seen. The woman is wearing an orange cardigan, blue jeans and a handbag over her arm. The man next to her is holding a plastic water bottle. The camera then cuts to an angle in front of the Protagonist and Priya, where the man and woman are suddenly further behind them. (01:46:43)

Casual Person

29th Dec 2020

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: On the shipping container, Neil injects Kat with some medicine in a syringe. Whilst Neil says "The faster you sleep, the more you heal", he is shown with his left hand holding Kat's arm and has his fingers positioned under her arm. It then cuts to a closer shot of Kat, where Neil's left hand is now positioned on top of her arm. (01:37:58)

Casual Person

29th Dec 2020

Tenet (2020)

Tenet mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Whilst Wheeler is explaining the rules of inversion to the Protagonist shortly before he goes outside, as she is saying "Gravity will feel normal but appear reversed for the world around you", she is shown holding a small tank of oxygen in her left hand and begins attaching it to a tube shown in her right hand. The camera then changes angles and the oxygen tank is now in her right hand and the tube is suddenly attached to the tank. (01:30:02)

Casual Person

23rd Dec 2020

Tenet (2020)

Continuity mistake: When the Protagonist and Neil are driving away from the inverted vehicle, there is a shot where the Protagonist is shown looking forwards out of the front windshield, but when the camera changes angles, he is suddenly looking to the right to face the inverted vehicle. (01:19:23)

Casual Person

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