
25th Dec 2004

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 12/21/04, Paloma was selected to light the Christmas tree, and Sam told her that the town's longstanding tradition was for the chosen individual to invite her mother to light the tree with her. But Charity was selected for this honor in 1999, and she invited her boyfriend Miguel to light the tree with her, rather than her Aunt Grace, who was her guardian. Nobody even suggested that she choose a mother figure to stand with her.


24th Dec 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: On 12/21/04, Bonnie drags out the story of Julie shoplifting when she was fifteen years old. Bonnie says that Julie stole a mink coat from Barton's department store, and Julie immediately corrects her that it was actually a mink stole. But she doesn't correct Bonnie that the store was Bartlett's, not Barton's. The shoplifting happened in Days of our Lives' very first episode on November 8, 1965.


22nd Dec 2004

Charmed (1998)

Witchness Protection - S7-E10

Continuity mistake: Midway through the episode, the Seer is looking through the sisters' photo album. Several of the photos actually include everyone who was present for the events depicted, leaving nobody to take the photo. And since the events were shown in various episodes, we know that no photo was taken at those times by any automated method.


Factual error: Flynn says that the chamber in the Mayan temple is "an exact replica of their great temple of Teotihuacan." But Teotihuacan was not a Mayan city, but rather the hub of a separate civilization (themselves called the Teotihuacan). It was in central Mexico, hundreds of miles from the Mayan area in the Yucatan Peninsula.


Factual error: When Flynn presses the stones at the Mayan temple, he identifies the numbers that are carved on them. The stones do have the bars and dots of the vigecimal Mayan numerical system. However, he identifies the specific numbers incorrectly. For example, the stone that he claims says 65 actually has 180 imprinted on it.


Factual error: Flynn gives the size of the chamber in the Mayan temple as "300 quahuitls by 20 quahuitls." But the quahuitl was an Aztec unit of measurement, and was not used by the Maya. (01:06:00)


Factual error: Flynn says that the chamber in the Mayan temple is 300 quahuitls long. A quahuitl is approximately 2.5 meters, so 300 quahuitls would be 750 meters, or nearly half a mile. The chamber he and the others are in is large, but not that large.


21st Dec 2004

The O.C. (2003)

The New Era - S2-E4

Plot hole: Early in the episode, Alex tells Seth that the night of the Killers concert is her night off. (She works at The Bait Shop, the concert venue.) At the end of the episode, Alex is paying The Killers, as if she were the manager on duty.


20th Dec 2004

South Park (1997)

20th Dec 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: In December of 2004, Bo and Billie flew to Europe at night to look for their daughter Georgia. On 12/3/04, it was shown to be daytime at the castle where Roman and Marlena were being held. Then, on 12/13/04, Bo and Billie arrived at the castle but it was dark outside. On 12/15/04, they were inside the castle and it was again full daylight outside. The whole time, it just got later and later on the same night in Salem.


Continuity mistake: In the second episode, Thar tells Tenar that "one of [her] successors" conspired with the Kargide king to destroy their order's magical amulet. But Thar is speaking of the past, so the woman in question must have been her predecessor, not her successor.


17th Dec 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Plot hole: In 1998, Billie gave birth to a baby, Georgia, that she believed to be stillborn. When she and Bo found out in 2004 that Georgia was really alive, Billie lamented having missed fifteen years of her daughter's life, and they talked about how their daughter would now be a teenager. But Georgia should only be six years old.


15th Dec 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Factual error: When Sami called the psychic hotline in 2004, the caller ID identified her as "Samantha J. Brady," presumably for her supposed middle name Jean. But Sami's middle name is actually Gene, the masculine version of the name, because she was named after Eugene Bradford.


15th Dec 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 11/29/04, Philip and Belle tell Sami that they want to use her wedding date, because they want to get married very soon, before Philip is shipped out. But Lucas later mentions that he and Sami don't even have invitations yet, which would indicate that their intended wedding date isn't very soon at all.


14th Dec 2004

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: Martin and Katherine have been living under the assumed names of Bob and Ellen Wheeler. Despite forming very close bonds with several characters prior to falling out of favor with the revelation of Martin's real identity, they were almost never referred to as "Bob and Ellen." Almost everybody called them "Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler" at all times, even though the entire rest of the town is on a first name basis, even with the wealthy and powerful Alistair Crane. Martin and Katherine themselves called everyone else by their first names, and such forms of address are almost always reciprocal among adults.


13th Dec 2004

Veronica Mars (2004)

Like a Virgin - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When the video of Kimmy plays on the school announcements, and she talks about Duncan being hung up on Veronica, there is a cut to Duncan reacting with raised eyebrows in the foreground, while Veronica can be seen in the background with a passive expression. Then it cuts to a close-up of Veronica having a visible reaction with her whole face falling. But since Veronica and Duncan were reacting to the same thing, Veronica's reaction should have been visible in the first shot as well.


10th Dec 2004

Charmed (1998)

20th Nov 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Factual error: The reporter on one of the broadcasts says that the storm has "winds gusting over 155 miles per hour, which would make it a Category 5 hurricane." But that is inaccurate. A Category 5 storm must have sustained winds over 155, not just gusts.


Factual error: When the pilots are over the Gulf of Mexico right before the oil rig is destroyed, one of them reports that the surface pressure is 93 millibars. That's the wrong order of magnitude for a surface pressure reading. Standard atmospheric pressure is 1000 millibars, or 1 bar. During the very worst hurricanes, surface pressure can drop slightly below 900 millibars. So the pressure reading here probably should have been 930 millibars, not 93.


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