
11th Aug 2006

The Golden Girls (1985)

You Gotta Have Hope - S4-E17

Corrected entry: In this episode Rose is telling the others that she was left on the doorstep of the Nylunds when she was a baby and adopted. However we know her married name not her maiden was Nylund and her maiden name was Lindstrom. She also says in this episode she was adopted as a baby but in the episode where she meets her father she says she was in an orphanage until she was 8.

Correction: That IS correct, Rose does give many variations to the details surrounding her adoption throughout different episodes within the series. In some, she is in an orphanage for quite some time before being taken in by her adoptive parents, the Lindstroms. However, she also talks about a scenario where her birth mother "Ingrid" dies in child birth, and she is then left on the Lindstrom's doorstep in a basket (and in comedic fashion, stating."with cheese and the beef sticks also 'cuz that was the deal) until she is discovered and then adopted by the family. THIS is the story she tells her father (the monk played by Don Ameche) in the hospital episode, and we know this because of the conversation following after where he tells Rose why he abandoned her mother for the monastery and knew nothing about her having been pregnant with his child (nor Rose's adoption circumstances) before he left.

Correction: This mistake confuses elements from different episodes. In S04E17, "You Gotta Have Hope," Rose tells her roommates that she lived in the orphanage for eight years and was adopted by Gunter and Alma Nylund. The error is that Nylund was Rose's married name; the series establishes that her maiden name was Lindstrom, so the couple who adopted her would be named Lindstrom, not Nylund. Indeed, Rose's mother had appeared in an earlier episode, S01E09, "Blanche and the Younger Man," in which she was consistently referred to as "Mrs. Lindstrom." The discrepancy about when Rose was adopted is a mistake in the later episode, S06E02, "Once in St. Olaf."


21st Dec 2008

Spartacus (1960)

Corrected entry: Crassus, when talking to the man he makes the head of the Roman Garrison, says that the reason he is doing this is to 'checkmate' his senate opponent. 'Checkmate' is a chess term and as such would not have been used by a Roman in the 1st Century BC as the game wasn't invented until at least the 6th Century AD in India.

Correction: As is standard with historically-set films, the language and terminology used has been updated to be understandable to a present-day audience. This is a standard movie convention and is not considered a mistake.


I've never heard it said that anachronistic language is not a mistake, and should not be counted as a mistake here. The fact that they speak English, not Latin, is the cinematic convention. Not that they use figurative language that only makes sense in a future context.


It's a grey area, but there's a case to be made that like the language being updated to be understood by audiences rather than subtitled Latin, the same is true of analogies, etc. They could have made reference to a game of the era, but then nobody watching would know what they were talking about and it would need a clunky explanation. As I say though, a grey area, because a clearly modern reference would be a mistake.

Jon Sandys

13th Sep 2003

Mama's Family (1983)

Flaming Forties - S2-E1

Corrected entry: When Thelma, Fran, and Naomi get up on stage and lip-sync to "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy," they do a coordinated dance. In the real world (i.e., not a musical), three people can't decide to do a dance together on the spur of the moment, and somehow spontaneously know all the steps to a three minute dance.


Correction: They don't decide to do the dance on the spur of the moment-earlier in the episode, Thelma tells Vint that they were planning on pantomiming to the record, which means they would have rehearsed the dance.

Correction: It's a TV and movie convention, you just have to suspend disbelief otherwise 99% of the dance numbers in TV shows and movies would never exist.


At the 6:46 mark of the episode, Thelma tells Vint that Naomi, Fran and herself are going to pantomime dance as the Andrew sisters and has him sit down so she can show him the dance that they have choreographed when she is interrupted by Buzz and Sonia telling her they voted to have a "punk" dance with the group Medication.

This was a fundraiser dance at Edgar Allen Poe H.S. in Raytown. They were trying to "save" the school auditorium/gym. The punk band did not arrive, so Thelma, Fran and Naomi went on stage to save the dance. Prior to the students voting to have the punk band to perform, Buzz and Sonja, had given the idea of a 1940's USO Revival. T, F and N had already practiced this lip sync and dance routine w/the belief they would perform it. Also, 40 yrs ago who didn't lip sync and try to copy Michael Jackson?

It's a convention of musicals, where singing and dancing are fanciful or are depicted as performed by characters who are actors that have rehearsed a performance. It doesn't apply to this scene of a non-musical sitcom where the characters are aware that they are singing and dancing on the spur of the moment, and have not prepared for it in advance.


8th Dec 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Today, I am a Klown - S15-E6

Corrected entry: Bart asks Lisa how she knows so much about the Talmud. She credits her imaginary Jewish friend. But Bart was with Lisa in episode 3-6: "Like Father, Like Clown," when she made an extensive study of ancient Jewish texts. So Bart shouldn't need to ask the question in the first place, and Lisa's answer is incorrect, or at least incomplete.


Correction: Yes Bart was with Lisa, BUT in Homers barbershop quartet, Bart says he can't remember what happened 8 seconds ago so he would have forgotten by then.

If we acknowledge that Bart forgetting is reasonable, it doesn't explain why Lisa's answer doesn't match the actual storyline where she studied the Talmud.


27th May 2004

Charmed (1998)

Cat House - S5-E18

Corrected entry: In episode 3-9: "Coyote Piper," Piper danced sexily on the bar while the song "Unbelievable" played. She danced only to the one song before her sisters pulled her off the bar. In this episode, Phoebe and Paige physically enter Piper's memory (magically enhanced for accuracy), and a different song plays during Piper's dance, despite it being the exact same video footage. (00:33:35)


Correction: The reason why the music is different when Piper is dancing on top of the bar in the memory of the episode "Cat House" is because once the series had ended, any music that was used during the course of the series the license had ended and could no longer be used, with the future reproduction of DVDs of the series. All music that was used including the theme song was replaced, all with the exception of the scenes of the many different bands that performed at P3, which were kept and along with the show's outro music, which was composed by the show production staff Jay Gruska. Any TV networks that air the show will still have the original music, but other video media platforms such as Netflix, will have the new changes to it.

Thanks for the information, but in this case, if true, it proves that the change was made in episode 5-8 as aired on TV, because I saw music other than "Unbelievable" on television, in syndication on TNT, rather than on a platform. The reason I noticed the difference was that I watched the two episodes close together in time, both on TNT.


14th Jun 2004

Charmed (1998)

Something Wicca This Way Comes - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When Prue wonders where the cream is, the little container thereof slides along the table to her. Then the cream drains from the container and burbles up through her coffee. However, that's completely discontinuous with how Prue's power ever worked at any other time in the next three years. The cream should have needed to leap out of the container and into the coffee, simply traveling physically across space. (00:29:20)


Correction: Actually, Prue displays a power that is like a branch of her Telekinesis and is knows as Telematerializarion, which allows her to transport liquids through space.


Prue never possessed a power called "telematerializarion." She possessed telekinesis, which caused objects to move physically through space, and later astral projection, that created a separate manifestation of herself. Other than this single instance in the pilot, Prue never had an ability to cause objects or substance to dematerialize and materialize elsewhere. Paige's orbing telekinesis worked similarly to that, but that's not the ability Prue had.


18th Apr 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Corrected entry: When Marlena ran into Jan and Nicole in front of Belle's apartment building, she said to Jan, 'So this must be the friend you talk about in therapy.' It is against patient confidentiality to discuss anything that happens in therapy in front of Nicole.

Correction: Marlena was, apparently, a serial killer, and she was intimidating Nicole with what she knew about her and Jan in order to make sure Nicole wouldn't come forward with any incriminating information about Marlena. She was deliberately violating doctor-patient confidentiality; as a serial killer, it's among the least of her transgressions.


28th May 2007

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In an epsiode at near the end of May '07, Phillip has Claire and Belle on a boat in the South Pacific, sailing away from Tinda Lau and towards Australia. While holding Claire on the deck of the boat, Phillip points out the constellation Casseopia to her. Casseopia is only visible in the northern hemisphere. They shouldn't be able to see it at all in the southern hemisphere.

Correction: Cassiopeia is at a declination of +60, which means that it can be seen as far below the equator as 30 degrees south latitude. That includes about half of Australia and much of the South Pacific. In addition, Tinda Lau is supposed to be near Guam, which is at 13 degrees north latitude.


2nd Apr 2007

Passions (1999)

Correction: Gwen destroyed the metallic setting, and the gem came flying out. She didn't necessarily break the diamond itself.


8th Aug 2005

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Corrected entry: It is revealed during the 8/4/05 episode that the coffin that carried Katherine to safety is that of her sister, Rachel. Problem is the coffin looks far too new for one that should have been buried for approximately twenty years until the tsunami unearthed it.


Correction: Rachel's corpse was moved many times since her death, c. 1980. Martin's flashbacks showed that she was originally buried beneath the gazebo in nothing but a canvas bag. When Alistair had the gazebo razed in 2004, Rachel was moved into a stone sarcophagus in a crypt, where she remained for about one year. After Alistair showed Rachel's remains to Martin and Katherine in 2005, he had her moved yet again. So the coffin only dates to earlier this year.


2nd Nov 2003

Dead Like Me (2003)

Reaping Havoc - S1-E5

Corrected entry: The picture that George takes of Betty comes out looking like the Betty that George and the viewers always see, but it should have come out looking like Un-Betty, who would be completely different.


Correction: Betty appearing as herself was deliberate. George took the photo just as Betty was preparing to jump into the vortex. Instead of appearing as Un-Betty, she appeared as herself to signify that she had undergone a metaphysical change.


31st Aug 2003

Center Stage (2000)

Corrected entry: During rehearsal for the student workshop, Cooper informs Jody, "Jody, you're right here." and she responds with "yesterday I was stage left." Look at her lips - it is clear she was actually saying "stage RIGHT."

Christie Love

Correction: No, her mouth says "left." Her lips come together to form the "f" sound, and the audio synchs up perfectly with the visual.


Correction: It has been stated repeatedly that the island's unknown "mastermind" has been constantly supplying them with food, as well as clothing and other objects that he or she wants them to have at certain times. He or she often sneaks into their replica homes without their knowledge, and the characters have expressed confusion at how the mastermind does this, all of which emphasizes the degree of control that the mastermind is exerting over the captive's lives.


19th Apr 2004

Charmed (1998)

Bride and Gloom - S3-E13

Corrected entry: At the beginning of this episode Cole appears in Phoebe's favourite film and says that it is a little trick he learned from the demon of illusion. However, Cole wasn't around in Chick Flick (where the demon of illusion appeared), he didn't come into the show until season 3.

Correction: Cole and the Demon of Illusion have both existed for centuries. Cole could have picked up the "little trick" at any time in the past, perhaps long before the episode "Chick Flick" took place.


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