Question: What is the significance of the lapel pin worn by detectives on Blue Bloods?
Answer: It is an NYPD Detective Bureau lapel pin. If you zoom in on a pic of "Danny Reagan," you will see that the pin has the letters DB on it.
Question: Just what is it with them always relying on each other in the police department or the D.A.'s office? They don't trust anyone else?
Answer: It is an NYPD Detective Bureau lapel pin. If you zoom in on a pic of "Danny Reagan," you will see the letters DB on the pin.
Answer: It is the lapel pin worn by members of the NYPD Honor Legion.
The lapel pin is on Danny but not Biaz, why? Also, Baker, Sid, Frank &Garrett wear one. Significance? Are they all the same?
Is the P.C.'s pin different than a legion pin? What are the symbols and their meaning?
I think it may be Masonic?
But why would the mayor wear one?