Death in Paradise
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Suggested correction: Richard erases part of the circle.

Except we see Richard standing there without touching the board. Then, as he moves towards the board, the camera cuts, and while his hand is on the board, most of the circle is already wiped off where he didn't have enough time to do it. Plus, the amount that the circle is wiped off also changes.


Exactly, there isn't enough time to wipe off the amount that was wiped.


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Man Overboard: Part 2 - S6-E6

DI Jack Mooney: My grandfather told me a story once, about these two wolves fighting inside all of us. And one of them is anger, envy, self-pity, regret. The other one is love, truth, faith, hope, that sort of thing.
And I asked him "which one of the wolves would win?" And do you know what he said?
"The one you feed."


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In the Footsteps of a Killer - S6-E7

Trivia: In the close-up of the diary of Julie Matlock, you can read in the column to the right of the page with the mysterious number 19871 a name; Agnes Dahan. It's the name of the production buyer of the episode, and long time staff member of the show in production and art department. (00:20:20)


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Show generally

Question: When Richard reminisces about England, he talks about going to the pub and having a pint. Yet the whole time he's in Saint Marie, he is never seen to drink alcohol with the rest of the team; only cups of tea. Why?

Answer: Most likely they had only tropical exotic drinks, he wanted an old fashioned English beer.

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