Batman: Arkham City

1 correction since 29 Jun '24, 05:40

(1 vote)

Trivia: At the theater Clayface is watching "The Terror" a movie starring Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989's Batman.


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Suggested correction: More likely, this is a reference to Clayface's origin in the comics, where he was an actor who starred in a film called "The Terror," then dressed as its killer and killed the cast and crew of a remake set to be made without his involvement (his shapeshifting powers coming later into his character's life). This is evidenced by how the film on the projection screen appears to be a black and white film from the 30s-40s, matching Clayface's first appearance in comics.

Anson Gordon-Creed

Plot hole: The side mission "Fragile Alliance" has Batman helping Bane destroying containers full of Titan. After destroying the containers and returning to Bane, a small fight ensues followed by a cut scene of Batman trapping Bane. Bane has the drug Venom visibly going through his body the whole time so he could easily break out, but remains trapped through the rest of the game.

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Trivia: At the theater Clayface is watching "The Terror" a movie starring Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989's Batman.


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Suggested correction: More likely, this is a reference to Clayface's origin in the comics, where he was an actor who starred in a film called "The Terror," then dressed as its killer and killed the cast and crew of a remake set to be made without his involvement (his shapeshifting powers coming later into his character's life). This is evidenced by how the film on the projection screen appears to be a black and white film from the 30s-40s, matching Clayface's first appearance in comics.

Anson Gordon-Creed

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Answer: Batman later in the game discovers that Hugo Strange has been supplying everybody with weapons, so he would have given Two-Face the vat of acid.

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