Around the World in 80 Days

Question: What did Lau Xing say, or rather, tried to say, in French to the cashier after they arrived in Paris?

Answer: He wasn't trying to say anything. Lau Xing doesn't know French at all but only pretended to because Phineas asked him to speak to the man in the booth in French.

Deliberate mistake: When Prince Hapi says that Monique should be his seventh wife, she says "you have seven wives?" and he confirms. Actually if she is supposed to be his seventh wife he only has got six wives by now.


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Passepartout: I'm your new valet.
Phileas Fogg: Uh... I must commend the valet service on their impeccable foresight. But they know I only accept French valets.
Passepartout: Yes. Oh! Oui! Oui! I come from a long line of French valets. On my father's side. Very, very French.
Phileas Fogg: But your accent.
Passepartout: My father French. Never speak. My mother Chinese and never shuts up. All the children pick up her accent.

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Around the World in 80 Days trivia picture

Trivia: The man that punches Phileas when he attempts to beg for money is the director Frank Coraci. (01:22:20)

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