Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mary Jane is being mugged by four men, Spider-Man throws two of the men into two windows behind Mary Jane. The shot switches to Spider-Man beating up the other two guys. When it cuts back to Mary Jane the two windows are intact. (01:17:00)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Norman is getting ready to test himself, he lies down on the bed, fastens himself in and the doctor goes to the computer. However, when it shows him being brought in to the chamber he has several electrodes connected to his chest and head. (00:15:20)

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Suggested correction: At first the electrodes are beside Norman's head. While the doctor is fixing him in place, at one point camera focuses on his face. Later when he's stepping back for the PC, the electrodes can actually be seen stuck on his body. You can see them if you have an HD copy. So the camera focusing on his face is indicating that the doctor's doing whatever necessary for the process.


Factual error: In the museum, Peter and his friends are real-time videos of live, moving biological specimens shot through 'the largest electron microscope on the Eastern seaboard'. You can't film live specimens in an electron microscope. The electron beam only works in a vacuum chamber, in which the specimen - invariably dead - is held. The microscope is identified as a scanning electron microscope - current technology - and nobody can fire an electron stream through air. The electrons will collide with gas molecules and scatter, ruining the image.

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter shoots his web at his bedroom lamp and pulls it across the room, it smashes against the wall and breaks. But when Aunt May is talking to Peter from the door seconds later, the lamp is back on the dresser in one piece. (00:32:15)

Revealing mistake: When Peter Parker first discovers he can climb up walls (while in citizen clothing), he tests it out by climbing up a building in an alley. During this scene, you can clearly see his clothes hanging out forwards, indicating that the scene was filmed with him crawling along a floor horizontally. (00:24:50)

Other mistake: The scene at Columbia University was filmed on an unseasonably warm spring day, however, the costume department had provided the high school extras with cold-weather clothing. The real Columbia University students can be seen in the background wearing shorts and t-shirts by contrast. (00:05:35)

Other mistake: When Spider-Man saves the baby from the burning building, it's amazing that the baby and the blanket are so clean - no soot, smoke damage, charring, etc. The firefighters have obvious soot around their noses from trying to breathe in that area. Did Spidey manage to give the baby a bath before presenting it to momma? (01:19:40)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jameson is flipping the pictures of Peter's first batch of photographs, you can see that the 3rd picture he looks at changes into an entirely new photograph, when he puts it down. The one he's looking at is Spider-Man on the side of a building, but when it's on the desk it's Spider-Man kicking a thug in the face. The one he then looks at changes too - it was about to have a bit of sky on the left, but then turns into a photo of a street from above, with no sky visible. (00:58:45)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter is talking with Mary Jane outside the diner where she works, watch the positioning of the shadows in the background. As the camera shoots from Peter's point-of-view, the sun is casting shadows up the street. When the shots change to MJ's point-of-view, the shadows are pointing down the street, as if the sun had just moved ahead several hours. (00:57:30)

Other mistake: When the tram with all the kids is falling, the kids are yelling. But the adult behind them isn't yelling and looks rather bored. (01:38:10)

Factual error: When Harry is talking to Mary Jane on the phone, she hangs up on him and his cell phone produces a dial tone. Cell phones do not have a dial tone. (01:08:25)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Spider-Man is chasing the crook with the gun, the crook shoots 7 times through the roof of the car. Shortly afterwards you can see 9 bullet holes in an overhead shot. As the scene moves along there is another overhead shot (just after Spider-Man jumps the bridge) - no bullet holes. Seconds later the bullet holes return. (00:44:40)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter Parker confronts Uncle Ben's killer in the warehouse, after Parker slams him through the glass windows in the door, the killer drops his gun and pulls out a knife. After he is disarmed of the knife, Peter kicks him up against the wall. At this point the killer has the gun back in his hand. (00:47:50)

Continuity mistake: When Peter first learns he can climb walls after running out of school, his shoes are different when he is on the wall compared to when he is on the roof. (00:26:20)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter is drawing up ideas for his costume the hand is that of comic artist Phil Jimenez, current artist of Wonder. Phil Jimenez is right handed and Tobey is left handed. In one of the cuts the pen is in Tobey's left hand but it shows him drawing with his right. (00:31:25)

Continuity mistake: During the kiss scene the camera changes view back and forth. From one angle it's raining, in other it is not, then at the end it's pouring as if in a storm. They had to do that scene at least 3 times. (01:17:50)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the cafeteria scene, Mary Jane slips on some spilled orange juice that causes Peter to catch her. A short while later when Peter gets up to leave the cafeteria, running away from her enraged boyfriend, the spilled orange juice is not there. (00:22:15)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the final cemetery sequence, Peter and Mary Jane square off for a little heart to heart, with her touching his face tenderly with her black leather gloves. The camera intercuts between front views of both: in hers, her fingers are touching his ear lobe, in his, they are a inch below his ear lobe. In one quick cut of hers, the hand has disappeared completely, then in mid-sentence as they cut back to Peter, it's there again. (01:49:20)

Continuity mistake: When Peter is taking out the trash, and begins talking to Mary Jane, as she walks toward him you can see her underwear sticking out above her pants. As the shots change, this underwear seems to appear and disappear. (00:28:40)

Mary Jane: Who are you?
Spider-Man: You know who I am.
Mary Jane: I do?
Spider-Man: Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

More quotes from Spider-Man

Trivia: When Robbie and Jameson are discussing Spider-man, Robbie says that he's a hero, causing Jameson to retort that he's wearing a mask, and asks what he had to hide. According to Stan Lee, creator of Spider-Man, he wears a mask to hide his fear from his enemies.

More trivia for Spider-Man

Question: When Aunt May says to Peter in the hospital, "Everyone else knows", why does Peter suddenly look scared/concerned?

Answer: Remember that Green Goblin (Norman Osborne) just found out that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Aunt May's comment about everyone knows he loves Mary-Jane concerns him because he now realizes that Green Goblin might find/kidnap Mary-Jane just to lure Spider-Man into a fight. This is the basis for the whole reason he can't be with her, as he would be potentially putting her in harm's way all the time if they got together.


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