Ambrosius Goldenloin: I tried to stop him, bro.
Sir Thoddeus Sureblade: Really? Like this? Oh hi Ballister. Come right in. And of course you can bring your whale, ostrich, and big fat unicorn.
Ambrosius Goldenloin: Fat unicorn?
Sir Thoddeus Sureblade: Yeah, you saw it. The thing with the horn that broke everything.
Ambrosius Goldenloin: You mean rhinoceros?
Sir Thoddeus Sureblade: If I meant rhinoperos, I would have said rhinoperos.

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Nimona is a great action/adventure CGI movie about an underprivileged and innocent knight named Ballister who's being framed for murder and the titular being who rescues him and leads a revolution! Starring Chloe Grace Moretz as the sassy Nimona, they have the power to shapeshift into virtually anything at all and are virtually immortal. Sadly, that does not stop the Director from hunting and trying to ultimately kill Nimona just for existing. Nimona gives a voice to the LGBTQ+ community through the many struggles of Nimona. Fast-paced, smart and fun, Nimona is a movie well worth waching.
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