Alice Through the Looking Glass

Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)

1 answered question since 9 Sep '18, 03:20

(2 votes)

Question: When Iracebeth takes Mirana back in time to when a young Mirana ate the tarts and lied about it, why would the adult Mirana continue to deny having eaten them?

Answer: The way I interpreted the scene is that Mirana subconsciously altered her own memory to convince herself that she had not eaten the tart to avoid the guilt of the resulting accident. This is a real phenomenon, so it's perfectly plausible. If my assumption is correct, this scene shows Mirana realizing for the first time that she is in fact responsible for everything that has happened since due to a single lie she told.


Answer: I don't think she was actually denying it at that point, just reciting the answer she knew she'd given originally.

Other mistake: When Alice's ship is being chased, she orders her crew heel to port (turn left). Instead, it turns heel to starboard (right).

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Answer: She probably forced them to drink "Pishalver" which is the potion that will make one shrink.

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