Back to the Future Part II

Question: How does the fact that Biff is wealthy in the alternate 1985 have such a dystopian effect on Hill Valley, turning it into Snake Plisken's L.A.? Someone's wealth would probably not have effects on crime rates, murder, schools burning down six years prior, etc.

Answer: Biff is so wealthy that he is basically an oligarch, ruling Hill Valley. As he puts it, he "owns the police," so he is above the law. He puts all his resources into his own life, neglecting the rest of Hill Valley. Without these resources, all of the services (police, health, education, social services, fire, etc.) are non-existent outside Biff's tower. Therefore, it sinks into poverty, lawlessness, and despair.

Answer: While I don't think Biff's motivations are explained in the film (but maybe they are in other canonical material), it seems to center on the casino that Biff opened and the type of people it attracted. Biff also tells Marty he owns the police, which would indicate Biff was also engaged in illegal activities, for example prostitution or drug sales, and there was police corruption. This also seems to have increased gang activities (which Biff may have been involved in as well) that led to more violence and crimes like arson at the school.


Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Notice Marty's hair in the scene when he's playing "Johnny B. Goode." It's quite larger than when he says, some seconds later, "I guess that you're not ready for it yet." That's because when he says that, it's a recycled shot from the original BTTF, whereas most shots showing he's playing the guitar are newly made for BTTF2. However, Marty's hair is considerably longer in the new shots. (01:27:19)

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Marty: You're not going to believe this. We have to go back to 1955.
Doc: I don't believe it!

More quotes from Back to the Future Part II

Trivia: The reason that Marty McFly Jr. was arrested was because of stealing an unsubstantiated amount of money from the Hill Valley Payroll Substation.

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