Raiders of the Lost Ark

Continuity mistake: When Dietrich and Toht look at the ghosts that pass behind them, the column of mist that is coming out of the Ark disappears.

Big Game

Continuity mistake: When Indy is entering Marhala Bar, Steve Hanson is right behind him, following Indy inside. In the next shot, Steve is suddenly standing next to Belloq (he seems to have arrived before Indy did). (00:43:08)

Big Game

Continuity mistake: Between the shots of Indy dressing as a Nazi and Captain Mohler reporting to Belloq and Dietrich, the Wurrfler appears to have advanced several inches forward (taking as reference the background behind the submarine, Mohler's location, and the fact that Belloq turns his head to the left to look at the Captain).

Big Game

Continuity mistake: As Dietrich, Toht, Belloq and Marion board the Wurrfler, a naval officer descends the ladder and turns, his back to the ladder. In the next shot, he is facing the ladder.

Big Game

Continuity mistake: In the Bantu Wind, the right arm of the soldier standing next to where Indy is hiding changes its position twice during Katanga's and Dietrich's speech.

Big Game

Marion: You're not the man I knew ten years ago.
Indiana: It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.

More quotes from Raiders of the Lost Ark
Raiders of the Lost Ark trivia picture

Trivia: In the Well of Souls, you can see hieroglyphics of C3PO and R2D2 on the wall.

More trivia for Raiders of the Lost Ark

Question: Considering how powerful and dangerous the Ark is, why would Indy hand it over to the United States government, instead of putting it back where it was found and to ensure it's never located, lie to them and say him or the Nazis never found it?

Answer: Indy and Marcus Brody believed that the Ark needed to be studied. They certainly didn't want to put it back where it was found. They believed that the U.S. government would find the best archaeologists, researchers, and scientists in the world to study the Ark. They are both upset that instead, the government has decided to simply lock the Ark away. This is why Indy says, "Fools. They don't know what they've got there," as he is leaving the building.


Answer: To add to the previous answer, there is no way that the ark could have been secretly returned to where it was found and then conveniently forgotten. Too many people already knew of its existence and location. It would only be a matter of time before someone more sinister would retrieve it.


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