Stupidity: The whole premise of the plan is summarized by Helen in the sentence "They don't know Andi is dead, so why would they suspect anything?" However, "they" conspired in unison to financially ruin her sister, and "they" did not answer the mail, none of them. The possibility that "they" all could have gathered and silenced her by force is one of the most likely ones, and yet neither she or Blanc consider even for a moment that the literal crime conspirators could have conspired.

Stupidity: When Joaquin was running from Cornell, he turned into an alley between buildings. He was to the left (of the screen), which was unobstructed, but ran to the right, so he could jump over boxes. Cornell could have also stayed to the left, but ran far enough to the right where he could kick the boxes out of his way. Easily avoiding the boxes would have been faster. (00:11:37)

Stupidity: At the police station, a bucket of tools was left along the wall within a couple inches of the jail cell door where so-called "Amityville Strangler" Joe Gallo was detained. Gallo was able to reach the tools, use something to unlock his cell, and have a weapon - sledgehammer - "to go." (00:46:57 - 00:57:30)

Stupidity: Soon after the new art therapy instructor Anna arrived for her first day at the mental hospital, Leena - the most dangerous patient - was not in her room and nobody could find her. The hospital went into lock down and the doctor took Anna to a room. Without first looking in the room, the doctor said, "Do not leave this room. Don't worry, you will be safe here and we'll come back after we found her" and then locked Anna inside the room - with Leena. (00:03:36 - 00:04:41)

Stupidity: Catherine, wearing a dress and coat, was outside in the snow chopping firewood while her teenaged son sat nearby playing video games on his tablet. This could also fall under "plot hole" because having the son close by made him available to try to help his mom when Pryce attacked her (with the intent to rape). (00:36:40 - 00:37:15)

Stupidity: When Poirot's team attacks the Germans, they do it through the cover of gas they release. The Germans are having a good time chatting and not taking the situation seriously when there's a big cloud of noxious gas advancing towards them. Despite Poirot's oh-so-clever plan, they should by all means know that something is coming their way, but they get caught entirely with their pants down.