Question: How many years is Disenchanted set after the original Disney Enchanted movie? 15 or 10? Also, (connected to this), how old is Morgan now? 16 or 21?
Answer: Disenchanted is set 10 years after the original movie. Also, Morgan is 16 years old since it's set 10 years later and Morgan was six in Enchanted.

Question: Do the events of the movie alter the timeline to where Adam is no longer suspended? I ask this because at the end of the movie, Adam and his mom have the same beat-for-beat conversation of his mom's files, but instead of Adam suggesting he should go to his room and think about what he's done, he says he's going to be late for school.
Answer: Maybe the father prepared him better knowing he's going to die.
Answer: Because Robotnik was betraying him. Dr. Robotnik promised to help Knuckles get the Master Emerald, so they could use it to defeat Sonic. But Robotnik was using him all along because he wanted the Master Emerald for himself... he never actually cared about Knuckles and never intended to help him get the Emerald. Thus, Knuckles is shocked and says that Robotnik taking the Emerald for himself was not part of their deal.