Butt-Head: Step aside please. We have white privilege.
Giselle: Is it sometimes easier to live in Andalasia?
Nancy Tremaine: Well, I wouldn't say "easier." We have dragons and ogre rebellions.
Prince Edward: Last year, the entire kingdom was trapped in a giant whale.
Giselle: Oh.
Mr. Wolf: We were never given a chance to be anything more than criminals. But these are the cards we've been dealt, so we might as well play them.
Belle Bottom: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Now, WHERE'S GRU?
Caspian: Mr. Clade, I'm a huge fan.
Searcher Clade: Oh, thank you.
Caspian: ...of your dad. Could you please forge his signature?
Jimbo: What the mother father cocker spaniel's going on here?