Stupidity: The inspector knows that his house has been bugged; he does not know how many bugs and cameras are there, he just knows there are some. He does find a bunch of them with great ease when he gets back home - making you wonder how could he have ignored them to begin with, since all it takes is for him to raise his eyes, they are fairly big black cameras who do not camouflage at all for the most part. He then proceeds to make a phone call to the big baddie from his landline. Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing. Heck, you wouldn't want to use your home phone for such a call even if you didn't know that someone just put bugs all over your house.
Stupidity: Hungarian Police Lieutenant Benedeke Erdös has broken right arm in a cast. Although his arm is in a cast, he is still in uniform and carrying his firearm in a holster on his right side. There's no way he can draw the weapon or secure it. (00:20:45 - 00:21:19)