Stupidity: When the rebel leader talks to Rick Flag guaranteeing her help, she mentions that she will help to find "this Gaius Grieves", speaking as if it was someone unknown to her. He's been around the island (going to bars and surely not being reclusive) for 30 years; it's pretty difficult to think it would not be one of the most known people on the island, given his role, unique appearance and the small community.
Stupidity: Possessed child Nicholas made the cross from a necklace pierce Fr Louis in the neck, causing blood to gush out. Fr Peter yelled, "Fr Louis, Fr Louis" as Fr Louis tried to pull out the cross. No one else present rushed over to try to help stop the bleeding or assist him. Fr Louis' sash could have been used around his neck to apply direct pressure to the wound. (Although it might have been obvious that it was a fatal wound to the neck, someone should have at least tried to help). (00:07:15)