Stupidity: After Casi changed the tracker on the Navigator, he was sneaking between vehicles to get out of the tow pound. The Whale came and stood in front of the two vehicles Casi was between. Casi stood up and, instead of turning around and running away, rushed TOWARD The Whale in an attempt to get past him. The Whale, much bigger, threw Casi against a vehicle and then onto the garage floor. (01:03:34).

Stupidity: Jon and his sister drove some distance to Bolton to find Janet, but Jon couldn't remember the name of the mini-mart where Janet works. Jon's sister said, "Maybe we should visit every market in Bolton", to which Jon replied she was a genius and "that's what we'll do." Instead of finding a telephone directory and making calls (first starting with Janet Brown!), they drove within a 10-mile radius, stopping at every store (not just mini-marts), but still could not locate Janet. (01:19:55)

Stupidity: Luca's parents try to find him by splashing him with water. If they succeeded, Luca's cover would have been blown.