Audio problem: During the Walmart scene, it seems they edited in Gary saying "Oh, God." However, it's over no visible mouth or throat movements. (01:15:17)

Audio problem: At the beginning of the movie there is a woman riding a motorcycle. It seems to be an adventure bike, but the sound is from a Harley Davidson type of a bike.

Audio problem: When the Protagonist and Priya are talking whilst walking down a street in Mumbai, just before the scene ends, Priya says "Sator's helping. You have to find out how", but her mouth doesn't move along with the line. (00:50:55)

Audio problem: When Peter is sitting next to Grandpa in front of the fireplace, he has several consecutive lines when he's seemingly reading off a cue card, and his mouth movements (or lack thereof) do not match the audio. (01:25:00 - 01:25:21)

Audio problem: When Allison is on the freeway, a group stops and helps. She asks where they are going. Her mouth says something different.

Audio problem: When Bart is looking through a magazine and starts to rip a page out, the whole page is lifted and obviously already loose; Bart sets it down to look like he is tearing it out, and sound effects are added to make it appear he really is ripping out the page, but the sounds don't really match his motions. (00:31:20)

Audio problem: During the talk of the three Glorias, the teen Gloria's mouth isn't in sync with what she's saying.

Audio problem: Mulan slips on the roof and tiles fall. No crash or any sound whatsoever is heard. (00:02:52)

Audio problem: When we are first introduced to Hayden lecturing the classroom, the shots from behind do not match the sound with the movement of his jaw.

Audio problem: When George pulls the pistol and pointed it the first Weeboy, he cocks it, and we hear the cocking sound. Then he immediately turns to point it at another Weeboy and the already-cocked revolver makes another cocking sound. (01:17:00)