Corrected entry: The whole point of the "ass bomb" is that Translucent's skin is impenetrable, no way into his body except, as they realise, through his ass. So when the bomb goes off, the blast should be entirely contained within his impenetrable skin, leaving a flesh-bag of destroyed internal organs. Instead he explodes into mush. They even say afterwards his skin won't burn off so they've got to dispose of it somehow.

Corrected entry: When War arrives at the cafe to meet the others, she's the first one, and we see her bike alone outside. The others get there, then when Pollution asks after Death, we see his bike outside, parked to the right of War's. It's revealed that he was already there playing the quiz machine, and he's been in shot the whole time, but that means his bike should have already been there too. Even if it was somehow out of shot, War would have seen it.
Correction: Or alternatively, the bike didn't appear until the others have already arrived. Death is a supernatural being who has already been established as not being bound by the same physical limitations as the other Horsemen. Obviously, the bike is not something he purchased but was called into existence when needed.
Agreed. Terry Pratchett had previously written about magical things that don't just suddenly appear, but suddenly appear so that they have always been there. Obviously this is not explicitly said on screen so it's up to you if it's still a mistake in story telling but it works as a kind of comedy fantasy logic.
Her bike is at the lower edge of the shot. Another bike could have been parked out of frame. Although she would have seen it.

The Washington Merry-Go Round - S1-E10
Corrected entry: A Frisbee is shown being tossed near the Washington monument. The Frisbee (nee Pluto Platter) did not exist in 1952. (00:39:00)
Correction: While a Frisbee-like disc is seen, we don't actually see the brand name. Prior to being called Frisbee (and Pluto Platter), Southern California Plastics started manufacturing plastic flying discs for pipco in March 1948, which were labeled and sold as "Flying-Saucer."

Corrected entry: When Allison hugs Luther, a shot from above shows that there are no people around, but in subsequent shots there are lots of people.
Correction: This is an artistic choice, not a mistake. Similar to the scene in season 1 when they dance, the director deliberately has only them to show that they are entirely focused on one another.

Corrected entry: Dyatlov puts pressure on his subordinate, threatening to fire him. In the USSR it would be very hard for him to do so, because of strong labor unions. So it's unlikely that fear of being fired would force the worker to violate safety precautions.
Correction: Dyatlov didn't fire anybody but he repeatedly threatened Nikolai Fomin and Viktor Bryukhanov with dismissal if they didn't do what he told them to do. It may have been an empty threat but it is a matter of history.

Sleigh House - S1-E9
Corrected entry: Smoke and flames travel up. Why then did Vic attempt and eventually escape by going up the laundry chute? Seems that exit would have been filled with smoke and soon after fire.
Correction: True, but Vic had no other way to escape as she was surrounded by flames and all exits were blocked by fire. The laundry chute was the only logical way to try an escape from the inferno, desperate as it may be.

Chapter 10: The Passenger - S2-E2
Corrected entry: Mando's passenger is a frog woman who has not been established as being in any way dangerous or wanted or have any reason to hide (and her cargo is her offspring, which is again nothing illegal), but Mando acts sneakily to hide her presence.
Correction: When Mando said traveling at sublight speed was dangerous, he was talking about for himself. He wasn't trying to be sneaky in hiding her because of who she was, he was trying to avoid the New Republic at any cost. Telling her to be quiet was so there wouldn't be an extra reason to force him to the outpost.
Logically it would not be an extra reason since all they check and ask for is the ship's data and if he mentioned that he had a female aboard who needed to deliver her offspring, they probably would have let him go more easily without getting too much into technicalities, however I don't want to move into alternative writing and speculation. Mando did not exactly keep a poker face in the circumstance but it's not out of line with the character and he was acting on impulse without a plan. I am fine with the correction, actually.

Corrected entry: When Geralt meets the queen lioness in the castle, stringing along the wizard, she mentions that she thought she banished him. He replies he's been away for 12 years. How would this be possible if he met the princess at the ball in earlier episodes? (00:11:00 - 00:13:40)
Correction: The earlier episodes happened in a different timeline so it's 100% correct that he had not returned.
Correction: At the ball he met the daughter of the queen, who was of course also a princess. The ball was 12 years before and Geralt came back 12 years later to claim the grandchild of the queen, who was promised to him.
Correction: The princess he met was the daughter of Queen Calanthe (Pavetta). He accidentally staked a claim on her granddaughter (Ciri, one of the main characters and thee daughter of Pavetta) by invoking the Law of Surprise. 12 years later he returned to the kingdom to claim Ciri and take her away, which Queen Calanthe does not approve of. It seems you are getting confused between Ciri and Pavetta, but they are 2 different characters.
Correction: You don't know exactly how his skin works. It could be the skin is able to protect the body from the outside because of it's impenetrable properties, able to contract when something impacts it, absorbing any impact. From the inside however that property could not be working and the skin cells are torn apart but not destroyed.