Stupidity: The climax takes place during the launch of the "Buddi 2," a hotly anticipated tech gadget. The entire film has been leading up this point, and it's a big deal that it's being launched. And yet, there are no more than maybe 20 people waiting. Not a mistake per se, but totally unrealistic compared to the huge crowds these sort-of launches typically bring in.
Suggested correction: Bear in mind, this is just a cheap retail store in downtown Chicago; presumably, every major department and toy store across the country is having a similar event, so this opening would logically only draw people in the neighborhood with children the right age and willing to pay the opening-day price. Plus, we hear a voice on a radio warning of upcoming rain. The report is proven wrong since there's no rain for the rest of the scene, but even a warning of rain would ward some off.
I'll agree to disagree. I live in a relatively small, quiet town in upstate, New York, and events like new tech-launches (new iPhones, video games, etc.), movie premieres, anticipated book releases, etc. still regularly bring in pretty huge crowds at virtually every participating store. (Ex. Lines going out the doors and wrapping around the building.) Heck, I know someone who tried to get the last "Harry Potter" book opening night and couldn't because every local book store was packed completely full. So I have a hard time believing the crowd would be so small. The fact this movie also takes place in a pretty major city like Chicago is another strike against it.

Stupidity: When Ruth catches Chuck fishing for turds in their toilet, he yells at her and asks for privacy and then slams the bathroom door shut. He should have closed the bathroom door in the first place if he didn't want anybody to see what he was doing. It's not like anybody would think he was weird for going into the bathroom and immediately closing the door.

Stupidity: Adam, Hannah, and Megan [sitting in SUV with flat tire] saw the Man flashing his headlights, getting out, kicking his own SUV and ranting while holding a machete. Instead of fleeing, they got out of their SUV and saw the Man was wearing a welder's mask. When they returned to their SUV, they didn't lock the doors. The Man ran over, pounded on the front passenger's window and then opened the door. He stabbed Adam 36? times while the two girls just sat there screaming and one said, "Please stop."

Stupidity: When the marines are searching through Level 2 and detect lifeforms, they are about to shoot, which prompts a surviving scientist to run out into the open shouting "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" This was a very foolish way of trying to get them to not shoot. Running out into the open like that could have prompted the marines to just start shooting out of shock or instinct even if she was going to say not to.

Stupidity: Quinn wasn't able to kill Dr. Sullivan, so decided to kill herself to save her sister (by dying earlier and ending the curse). Instead of telling her younger (teenaged) sister about the Narcan and how to use it, she writes Narcan on her upper arm, assuming her sister will see it in time, know that there is a syringe in her pocket, and not hesitate to inject the Narcan. Quinn left too many steps up to chance and did not take the necessary precautions to help insure she could be revived. At the same time, a registered nurse - even a recent graduate - should know that this would not be the circumstances under which Narcan might be successful in counteracting the morphine. Taking time to say, "I love you, Jordan. I'll always be with you" was wasted time that should have been used giving her sister instructions because Quinn (erroneously) believed her plan would work. (01:17:08)

Stupidity: The marble somehow got under Don's skin at the bottom of his leg and was moving up the length of his body. Instead of heading off the marble in order to intercept and stop it from continuing up his leg, Don got a knife/box cutter and jabbed it into his skin near the bottom of his leg and trailed the marble, causing a long gash that served no purpose (other than creating a lot of blood and making a gory scene). The marble eventually exited his body via his eye. (01:04:40)