Best fantasy movie questions of 2019

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker picture

Question: How did Palpatine come back? Cloned? Or somehow survived the Death Star explosion, which seems unlikely.

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: According to the novelization, Palpatine sensed Vader's internal conflict and created a clone as a backup in the event that Vader betrayed him. When Vader threw him down the shaft, Palpatine transferred his consciousness into the clone's body.

Answer: It is not said exactly how he came back. He says that he had died before which presumably is him dying in ROTJ. The most we get is the reference to Sith ability that some consider unnatural.

It is not said how he came back, but I get the idea that he was using the Force to keep himself alive. At least that's the message I was getting when I saw that Palpatine's fingers were wilted away. And I thought that the power he was using was urging his life to go on, but his physical appearence was being dragged behind.

Answer: The line "The dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural" is a direct reference to Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, in which Palpatine says the same line verbatim to Anakin. Recall that a major plot point to that prequel is that the Sith have long been rumored to have found a method to cheat death. This film strongly suggests that Palpatine had indeed discovered this method. The film doesn't go into specifics. My understanding is the novelization says his body is a clone. Going by his appearance in the film (blank eyes; body manipulated by machine), it suggests to me that he is a reanimated corpse.


More Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker questions
Frozen II picture

Question: Are Anna and Kristof officially married by the end of the film, or does their wedding take place in the aftermath of the film?


Answer: I would say after. As Kristoff doesn't appear with her.

More Frozen II questions
Shazam! picture

Question: What is the actual reason given why the police couldn't find Billy's mom? Just the fact his mom didn't want to find him and left doesn't mean the cops would stop looking. It's hard to imagine a 5 year old isn't able to tell the cops his address, where he goes to school or where he lives in general. Teachers, neighbours, his physician or dentist, classmates, all can tell where the mom is. Next to that isn't his dad in prison and thus easy to find?


Answer: He was a baby when he was abandoned - all he knew about his mother was her name, not her birth date or social security number. He didn't know anything about his father and his mother went back to her maiden name. In case you're wondering not everybody has their DNA taken.

He knew his full name. He's a legitimate son born in wedlock. They would have easily tracked down the father who is an inmate: that is on top of what the original poster mentioned, such as his home address or other minimal information. Lionhead, I believe this belongs in the Plot Holes section rather than simply the Questions section: I am not informed about Pennsylvania's laws for child abandonment, but I think it's rather unlikely that someone could just drop their kid in the middle of a crowd and get away with it entirely, especially when the kid knows his own full name.


I'm not too eager to put it in the plot holes section, because it is plausible I suppose that she disappeared willingly and they couldn't find her specifically. But you address the right point I was trying to make that the cops won't simply stop looking for his mother. It's a crime to abandon your child and they will look up and question a lot of people. And I mean a lot of people to find her. Even if there is literally no family besides mom and dad, the dad will be found since he is in prison. He won't be able to help much but contact will be maintained, even if he doesn't want it.


The thing is, they don't even have to question a lot of people since the kid is not a newborn left on the steps of a church or something: he was able to provide his own full name to the authorities. So it's absolutely straightforward for the police to see who his parents are - although it should be noted that he was born in a different state, I don't think it should be a particularly complicated research for the authorities.


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How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World picture

Question: Why was this movie a Universal Studios movie, when the others were DreamWorks?

Answer: Universal Pictures (which is owned by NBCUniversial) bought DreamWorks Animation in 2016. However, this film is still a DWA production, it was just now distributed by Universal Pictures. All films have been produced by DWA, but they all used different distribution companies.


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Sonic the Hedgehog picture

Question: This is a two part question: firstly if Crazy Carl was onto Sonic why didn't he find any of Sonic's quills when Tom found one without even looking for one? Secondly: what happened to the ring that Sonic threw and bounced of the robot, did he get it back, or will it play a part in getting Robotnick back in the possible sequel?

Darth Crucible

Answer: First, it seems Sonic doesn't shed his quills that easily. Tom found one just by sheer luck. Second, yes that ring is likely going to play a part in the sequel.

More Sonic the Hedgehog questions
Avengers: Endgame picture

Question: What happened to Loki? Does this mean he's now alive?


Answer: The Loki from the original timeline is dead, but the 2013 Loki that is imprisoned on Asgard is presumably alive and well, and the 2012 Loki that escaped with the Tesseract is alive and supposedly, this version of the character will be the focus of his own upcoming Disney+ series.


Answer: The Loki who escaped is in a different timeline, so he will not encounter the "main" versions of the characters. This version of Loki will appear in the new series.

More Avengers: Endgame questions
The Dead Don't Die picture

Question: Why would Cliff and Ronnie just let themselves die killing zombies when they could've driven off to seek refuge?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: It was in the script that they would die. Ronnie stated he knew it would end badly because the director gave him the full script ahead of time.


More The Dead Don't Die questions
Yesterday picture

Question: If there was no Beatles, where did the toy yellow submarine come from?

Answer: Believe it or not, the Beatles did not invent the idea that a submarine could be yellow, and yellow toy submarines were sold for children to play with.

Answer: It is just a toy submarine molded or repainted in yellow. Only the 'stalker' fans know the reference to the Beatles song.

Answer: I think it was so those 2 people that knew of the Beatles could prove they knew the Beatles song, since presumably that was a song Jack forgot about.

Answer: None of these answers explain why it's shaped the same as the submarine from "yellow submarine." It's a specific shape that didn't exist before the Beatles, so shouldn't exist.

More Yesterday questions
Missing Link picture

Question: When exactly is the movie set? I mean what time frame.

Answer: 1886. The Statue of Liberty began being reassembled in April 1886 and was completed in October 1886.


More Missing Link questions
Jumanji: The Next Level picture

Question: What kind of vehicles were the guys driving while being chased by ostriches?

Answer: It's a Polaris RZR sand rail.


Can it be used on sand dunes as shown in the movie?

Yes, that's why it's called a sand rail. It's a similar term to dune buggy.


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Cats picture

Question: Much is said about the infamous first released version with Judy Dench's real hand instead of a CGI paw, but I'm watching that same version now and ALL of the cats have real human hands. How is this not also a mistake? Or is it that the mistake is Dench's ring on her finger? Do the actors' human hands change to paws in the CGI-fixed second version?


Answer: The issue wasn't about her hand looking human but, as you mentioned, that she was wearing her own ring, which was digitally removed in the revised version.


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Aladdin picture

Question: Why did the Princess not have money with her at the market? She could easily disguise herself as a lower-class person who has some amount of money with her, like the other shoppers.

Answer: Despite being a princess, Jasmine likely did not have access to money. Royals are known to never carry cash on their persons. Everything in Jasmine's life is controlled, and whatever she needs or wants is provided. She is young, naive, and has been so pampered and sheltered from the real world that she'd probably never consider how currency works.


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Godzilla: King of the Monsters picture

Question: Why is Las Vegas left abandoned for five years as shown on the screen by Dr Emma Russell when it was damaged by the MUTO? Why can't everyone just fix the damage to the city so the tourists can go there again or even repopulate it?


Answer: I don't remember if either Godzilla 2014 or Godzilla: King of the Monsters directly said that this was the case, but the MUTOs were feasting on nuclear radiation and warheads, meaning that their presence and deaths in the area would most likely unleash a ton of radiation. Radiation can make entire areas uninhabitable for years.

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