Revealing mistake: When Frank kicks the grocery store owner in the face twice his kicks miss by far.

Revealing mistake: When Hamer goes to the gun store and obtains all of his weaponry, the gun counter guy and boy carry the weapons out to his vehicle. The weight of the weapons would be too much for one to carry all at the same time and the boy is supposedly carrying that large box of ammo, which would have contained over a thousand rounds, but he's carrying it like a box of feathers.

Revealing mistake: The sign with "everything must go" breaks a second before it hits Arthur. (00:02:55)
Suggested correction: The sign with "everything must go" breaks at the exact same second as it hits Arthur, and there is no point to make it somehow break by some weird special effect without any sense.

Revealing mistake: The way the outside steps were constructed - a series of perpendicular boards with no side support - would not be able to hold weight. They would easily collapse under pressure. (00:38:53)

Revealing mistake: Obvious use of green screen for buildings across the street. On and off, the background fades, and buildings appear higher or lower depending on the camera's angle. At one point, the angle of walls behind Rex (Bruce Willis) is at a downward angle, and his head is almost touching the ceiling. (00:06:10 - 00:07:25)

Revealing mistake: When Shaft thinks about the address of the drug supplier, he stares at a newspaper clipping on the wall. The clipping is zoomed in close for over 1 second, and it's more than enough to spot the famous words "Lorem ipsum..." at the beginning of the article, revealing the clip to be just a movie prop with the industry standard filler text jibberish. (00:27:10)

Revealing mistake: The detectives start interviewing Linda and tell her they will be recording it. The detective pulls out a phone, and we see it recording. He starts talking and the waveform is moving but doesn't match when he speaks. If it were accurate we would see a peak when he talks.

Revealing mistake: When Shin begins chopping off Jay's head, in the close-up shot a line can be seen around the part of Jay's neck that hasn't been cut yet, revealing that it is a prop head. (01:35:05)

Revealing mistake: The cement block section of the house by the front door that Greg was painting "changed" to a flat board for a short time and then went back to the blocks. (01:05:28)

Revealing mistake: The five dollar bill that was tossed toward Todd's bucket but landed on the rim and hung over the side was obviously fake (not legal tender). (00:18:20)

Revealing mistake: There is a large "Inglorious Basterds" poster on the wall of the building (to the left of the screen) when Roy and Betty stop at the bench along the sidewalk. The poster should still be visible when they resume walking, but there is a window in its place. (00:10:57)