Other mistake: During the restaurant shoot out between Jr and the bad guys, he takes Sasha's weapon (Kel-Tec P-3AT) and opens fire on the bad guys. The Kel-Tec P-3AT is chambered in .380 and holds 6+1 rounds. During the firefight, Jr fires 9 times. We also see the bottom of a spent casing and it shows .22. (01:12:00 - 01:13:00)

Other mistake: In a city of millions and millions of inhabitants, when the protagonist chases his neighbour till she enters the building in William Street, the taxi that passes in front of him as he crosses the road is the same taxi with license plate T 9362 that nearly ran him over at the very beginning when he was trying to get his sign back. Which incidentally is a model of Chevy Caprice post-1981 (likely a 1987 Caprice). (00:02:25 - 00:24:35)

Other mistake: When Frank and Maney are driving through the West Dallas neighborhood and Frank asks to see the file, they pass a green car at the intersection. He then turns onto Bernal St and passes the same green car at the intersection. The houses are also the same.

Other mistake: During the revelation of the second death, when the killer opens the toxicology report they just retrieved, the date is revealed; it says it was issued on 09/27/2018. But the events of the movie happen in November (it's Sunday 18th Nov when Marta wakes up with all the reporters at her door). It should also be noted that when a close-up of the report was shown earlier (when Ransom was looking at the anonymous letter brought by Marta) that copy had a big stamp in a corner saying 11-17-18, that in this copy is totally absent. (01:56:55)

Other mistake: Jesse does not talk because of his traumatic childhood (which includes being kidnapped at a young age by Mr. Charlie), so it doesn't make much sense for him to be the narrator.

Other mistake: Nick Spitz shows the flight attendant his shield to gain access to the first class cabin. The shield is an NYPD patrolman shield. However, Nick is later identified by another character as an NYPD sergeant. (01:24:10)

Other mistake: Glen/Charlie poured gasoline all over the vehicle he killed Sandra in - including its soft convertible top - but the flames stayed around the car's perimeter. (00:50:54 - 00:51:26)

Other mistake: From the time Eliza exits the bar until she drives away, there are discrepancies in the scenery: there are or aren't parking spaces along the road; there's a lot of space between her truck and the truck in the next parking space, but not when she's backing out; the man rattling bottles by the garbage cans is further from the building and her truck when she's getting in and should be visible when she's backing out but isn't; her truck's rear end would be partially blocking the traffic lane, etc. (00:03:15)

Other mistake: Moose was narrating what he was writing in his second letter to Mr. Dunbar. There were 64 words, 12 more words after "P.S.", then "Love, Moose." A view of his finished letter showed it was way too short to have included everything he supposedly wrote, and the expected format did not match. (00:26:20 - 00:27:10)

Other mistake: Elsa Brecht is holding an official piece of mail sent from the Coconut Grove Hotel in Miami but it's postmarked Orlando, Florida. There's no legitimate reason the mail would be postmarked Orlando when Orlando is 235 miles from Miami. (01:24:16)

Other mistake: Russ pours olive oil on a salad, says it is the best vinegar, and after the next cut he grabs the olive oil again.