Trivia: Although they play mother and son in this film, Bryce Dallas Howard is only eight years older than Taron Egerton.

Trivia: The director only came across Jonathan Pryce because he was searching for photos of Pope Francis, and the two people were frequently being compared as they look so similar. He looked into Pryce's body of work and realised he'd be an excellent choice for the part.

Trivia: Matt Damon's primary reason for taking the part was because he was keen to work with Christian Bale.

Trivia: Joanne Rogers, Fred Rogers' widow, has a cameo as one of the restaurant patrons in the scene where Fred tells Lloyd to take a minute to think of all of the people who have loved him. So does David Alexander Newell, who played Mister McFeely.

Trivia: When the screenwriter was pitching the film back in the 90's, reportedly at one meeting an executive suggested in all seriousness that Julia Roberts should play Harriet Tubman. When another person in the room mentioned that it wouldn't make any sense for the (very white) Roberts to play the role of Tubman, he responded "It was so long ago! Nobody would know the difference!"