Best fantasy movie mistake pictures of 2018

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Continuity mistake: When Doctor Strange attempts to use the Time Stone on Ebony Maw, Maw ties up Strange telepathically and strangles him unconscious. Beside Strange is a police car and a motorbike tipped on its side. Maw then lifts the ground he is lying on, but the police car has been replaced by an SUV and the motorbike has disappeared. The shadows also change. (00:23:25)

Casual Person

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Continuity mistake: When Jason lunges at Batman with his knife, there is a pile of garbage by the wall where he lands. In the first shot the barrel by the garbage is wooden. But in the next shot it's suddenly a metal barrel/drum. It then changes back to a wooden barrel again. (00:04:20)

Quantom X

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Continuity mistake: Right when the guards enter the home and the walls explode, Arthur swaps between having short curly hair to it being very long and straight.


More Aquaman mistake pictures

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