Factual error: At the point where Jared Leto is released from prison he is picked up in a 1960 Black Chrysler Imperial. As the camera rises it shows the date as 1954. The car is used a few more times in the movie.

Factual error: Rhianna is watching a live feed of a man's office via webcam. We see a closeup of the screen. At the top it shows the filename being a ".jpeg." Jpegs are still image files, not movies, let alone live streams.

Factual error: O'Brien ask the uniformed officers to "push back the perimeter" because it's too small. When a crime scene perimeter is established you can always shrink but never enlarge a perimeter because everything outside of it has all ready contaminated by other people, officers, press, etc. (00:18:45)

Factual error: When Kersey finds his throw down gun and proceeds to practice with it, a bullet ricochets back at him. Lead will reflect off objects and continue in the same general direction or flatten out on a surface but will not bounce back at you. If it did, indoor shooting ranges would kill all of their patrons on a daily basis.

Factual error: It is absolutely impossible that the fire suppression system would still be operational at the end of the film. The fire would have destroyed all those systems ages ago, and even if the extinguishers / sprinklers themselves are resistant to fire, I doubt very much the cables that hook them up to the building's computer system survived intact.

Factual error: They are filming in Brussels and the leaving Mercedes 190 has indeed a Belgian license plate. But it is a fake plate that has a mistake... It shows 1-N82-63X but a license plate in Belgium has always a combination of 1-xxx-123 where the first part always has letters and the second part numbers. Numbers and lettters are never combined. Also it is missing the mandatory sign to prove authenticity. (00:48:30)

Factual error: Though the movie is playing with historical events for "laughs," it should at least be pointed out for the record that Queen Victoria died in 1901, and the Titanic didn't launch until 1912 (and its construction didn't even start until 1909). So, obviously, there's no way Victoria could have toured it before its maiden voyage. (And the movie acknowledges that it's supposed to be THE Titanic since it shows Moriarty reading a newspaper reporting that it sank, to say nothing of the Billy Zane cameo).

Factual error: Max could not have been accidentally shot when Annie drops the revolver. She dropped it when she was startled by firing it into the ceiling so the hammer would still be sitting on the spent/empty shell casing. The trigger or hammer must be pulled back in order for the cylinder of a revolver to rotate to the next live chamber.

Factual error: In the bar scene there is a sign for Genesee beer. That brand never went west further than Pennsylvania.

Factual error: The gazette clipping at the beginning of the movie where Velma wrote her disdain for Carol is dated Thursday, March 25. Neither year when the story could be taking place based on other hints had March 25 happen on a Thursday. (00:03:50)

Factual error: "Polis" is written on two police vans outside the Stockholm bank Taj (Ethan Hawke) is robbing, but police in Sweden are "polismyndigheten" or commonly known as "polisen" (the police). The word "polis" actually means "city." Also, police in Sweden have traditionally used Volvo cars or wagons, not mini vans. (00:13:03)
Suggested correction: Actually all police cars in Sweden have the word "POLIS" on them.
Suggested correction: This is a picture from the event in the movie. Https://cdn.publisher-live.etc.nu/swp/uc3g8l/media/2021111522110_edbb811c04582d82789e5dda2bd0558c46e2c0ed1aa722eda231e59c5d220792.jpg The Swedish Polis during the '60 and '70 used VW Beetles, VW vans, Porsche 911 and others. Not just Volvos.

Factual error: In the police shoot out scene, you can see that the plate carriers the actors are wearing are really empty. Brolin sticks his hand into Forsing's vest after he was shot, the vest easily folds away. You can also see in various shots how theirs vest bend with their bodies, in a way they wouldn't if they had plating in as they should to protect from bullets.

Factual error: Michael boards a commuter train at Grand Central, which then stops at subway stations at 68th Street, 86th Street, and 110th Street along Lexington Avenue. This is impossible.

Factual error: Sherman prints a gun through the hospital's 3D printer. We see the gun, the cylinder, and 6 bullets. But if bullets are printed too, they still would need to contain the gunpowder, and the 3D printer construct shown there looks made out of a single kind of material, plain looking, surely not the product of a wonder machine that'd be able to recreate the complex chemistry required to make working bullets it was not even designed to do - in fact they look like suppositories, with no division at all between primer, casing, etc.

Factual error: Detective Summerville tells Sean that his wife got a rental Kia from Budget paying in cash. But Budget does not allow the initial cost to be paid in cash; the payment must come from credit or debit card, cash can be used only as the last payment when you return the car. (00:37:30)