Trivia: While reading the Anhkana, Ed compares its gruesome contents to writing by Bret Easton Ellis. Ellis is famous for having written the graphically violent novels on which American Psycho and its sequel The Rules of Attraction are based.

Trivia: Paul says to Dr Cruz that they will take a trip to La Boheme. That is an homage to Paul's role on Rent, where he sings La Vie Boheme.

Chapter 11 - S2-E3
Trivia: The idea of "mental contamination" mentioned at the start of the episode is real, and the demonstration using cheerleaders is based on fact. 5 cheerleaders and 5 other students had seizures in a town in 2002, in 1952 165 cheerleaders fainted before half time at a football game. A famous incident was in Le Roy in 2011 - those who were featured in the press took longer to recover than those who didn't, suggesting a strong social/communication basis.