Question: I got the movie on iTunes and there's a deleted scene where he goes to the Vatican. He gives Gianna's name, and a papal figure comes out. He tells him fortune favors the bold and sticks his hand out for John to kiss his ring. What's the significance of this scene?

Question: In the beginning of the movie it shows the electric motor on an engine hoist, but he hasn't taken the old motor out yet. Wouldn't he need the engine hoist to get old one out before having the new one ready?
Answer: Not if he has more than one engine hoist.

Question: How does Chucky tranfer his soul into another doll?
Answer: Chucky states that he found a new voodoo spell in the film that allows him to control multiple hosts at once. It's almost like a copy/paste of his spirit. Andy still has the original Chucky, whereas the rest are duplicates.
Answer: Originally, the serial killer Charles Lee Ray used a voodoo spell to transfer his soul into a "Good Guy" doll in a toy shop, thereby becoming "Chucky" the homicidal doll. Later he acquired a voodoo spell that allowed Chucky to transfer souls multiple times (of course, his ultimate goal has always been to transfer his soul back into a living human body).

Question: Is it safe to say that the Shaw brothers were good guys before Cipher got involved? Is it also safe to say that Deckard was a good guy too until he needed to get revenge on Dom and the team?
Answer: Well, we know that Owen Shaw was once an SAS soldier. Deckard Shaw has a file in this movie that reveals he saved a team he was part of and saved some hostages in the past. When Deckard Shaw refused to do the job Cypher wanted him to do in Furious 6 to steal the nightshade device, Cypher then went after Owen Shaw and convinced him to do the job. Cypher is the true mastermind behind everything that has happened in Furious 6, 7 and 8. So, maybe the Shaw brothers were good guys at a time before Cypher came along.

Question: When we see the eggs for the first time did they come from an actual Queen, or did David use Shaw's reproduction system to create them?
Chosen answer: If there had been a Queen, David would not have just left it there on the planet, he would have taken a Royal Facehugger embryo with him on Covenant. So the latter is most likely correct.

Question: During the heist at the post office, Baby shakes his head at a woman who in turn grabs a cop. When the lady was walking up, she smiled and waved like she knew him. However at the end during her testimony, it seems like she didn't know him after all. If that's the case, why did she smile and wave at him? Did I miss something?
Answer: The woman works at the Post Office and was the one who served Baby and Sam the day before. He's shaking his head at her because he doesn't want her to go in the building and get hurt/ killed in the heist that's happening at that time. She doesn't know him in a personal way like Joseph or Debora.

Question: Why did Niander Wallace kill the female replicant right after creating her? I get that he's crazy, but was there any other reason?
Answer: Think of any manufacturing process. Samples of new products are frequently created and then immediately destroyed. Also, the new replicant would require processing, training, etc. It was simpler for him to just dispose of the test.
Answer: He was being violently petulant at the moment, angry that he couldn't create and control the birth that he just learned occurred with older-model replicants and seeing his new creation as "flawed" by design. Pretty villainous, he cares nothing for the replicants.
Answer: It shows that high up members of the church are fully aware of the secret society of assassins, and even use them.