Plot hole: In multiple scenes in the movie the starship is in a gentle rotation which allows 1G gravity on the ship. When the power to the propellant is cut the rotation stops and gravity is lost. Such a design for a starship doesn't make sense as the entire structure could be put in a continuous motion, as is indeed done with many probes today without requiring the continuous addition of power. Even if this design was chosen with part of the structure fixed and party of it moving around it still seems unlikely that the rotating part would come to a grinding halt within seconds (if it did, the friction of the structure would be huge, requiring enormous levels of energy to keep it moving) The only reason the movie chooses this unlikely design is to integrate the crucial shot of Aurora floating out of the pool when power is first lost.
Suggested correction: There are parts spinning with different speeds and directions. Spinning an entire solid ship wouldn't allow for things like that. Regardless, we can't say which starship designs make sense or not. The ship has a reactor with seemingly endless energy, so powering the rotation is not a problem. The sudden stop is because whatever spins the ship has lost power. If you try to turn an unpowered motor or engine, especially if geared, you will feel resistance because the mechanism is acting as a brake.
Plot hole: RAF airfields were heavily guarded, yet Max drives up to a Lysander with wife and child, gets in and starts it without anyone stopping him before help turns up.
Plot hole: When Bridget phones Mr. Darcy, she is told that he has left and is in a taxi on his way home, so Bridget decides to walk to his house where she sees him get out of the taxi and meet his ex-wife at the door, and Bridget thinks they are back together. The problem with this is that she is heavily pregnant and she walks a fair bit across London - hard enough to do at the best of times - and that Mr. Darcy was already in the taxi going home, but she managed to arrive at the same time at his house.
Suggested correction: Mr. Darcy may not have gone straight home. He made have needed the taxi to take him to do an errand, he just doesn't mention this when leaving. Plus, there could have been heavier traffic that we don't see which he could have been stuck in.
Ever gone through traffic in London? During the day it's a nightmare. But in BJ Diary, Mark's mum tells Mark Bridget lives not so far from him, if I'm not mistaken.