Plot hole: The system providing oxygen can only be accessed by someone slim. Therefore John Goodman built the bunker with him unable to access the key facility that provides oxygen in his bunker. Yet he must have been able to go and get Britney when she went to that area?
Suggested correction: It's not a plot hole because he said in the film, the normal hatch to the air filtration was blocked by something that fell on top so they couldn't get through that way.
Plot hole: It is stated that the "specters" are actually made up of Bose-Einstein Condensate, and that they are so exceedingly cold, they instantly kill whoever they touch, presumably via shock. This is all good and well, except that if they are so cold that they could instantly kill a person, there should be physical signs of their exceedingly low temperature around them or at very least on their victims. If nothing else, at least some frost buildup around them when they stop for more than a few moments or discoloration on the skin of the dead.