Question: Does Maui need to eat and drink to survive? If so, how did he survive for so long on a desert island; especially when there's no signs he had any tools for fishing or a way of creating fresh water? If not, why did he seek out food when Moana showed up? Also, it's heavily implied that Maui urinates, which probably means that he drank something, but why would he if he doesn't need food or water?

Question: When Judy starts her mission to find Mr. Otterton and finds Nick with his partner, Finnick, she manages to hustle the fox, get him to confess his crimes on a voice recorder, and forces him to assist her on her mission before she decides to arrest him. Finnick laughs at Nick's humiliation and walks away. Why does Judy let Finnick off the hook despite the fact he was involved in Nick's scams?
Chosen answer: Finnick didn't say anything that could be used against him and she had no proof that he was delinquent on his taxes, as he said, "She hustled you good!"
Finnick was involved in all of Nick's scams so shouldn't he have been charged as an accessory and therefore also forced to help Judy?
Nick's crime was not paying taxes. Judy had no evidence that Finnick was guilty in any tax evasion or that he even participated in earlier scams.
Chosen answer: There's a sign he had tools for sculpting a statue of himself from solid stone, though we never see the sculpting tools. Given the fact that he wants food and isn't dead, it's safe to assume he also had some tools available for fishing.
Phixius ★