Factual error: When Holland March is swimming behind the bar with mermaids, "Get Down On It" from Kool and The gang is playing. That song did not come out until 1981 and the film is set in 1977. (00:39:50)

Factual error: The villain performs his hit at the beginning of the movie by remotely changing the GPS destination of a cab, so they head to the wrong place and into an ambush. Assuming that neither the cabbie or Pope notice the change on screen, and that his sophisticated software silenced the voice announcement of the course being recalculated, and makes the new place also marked as the old one (it is after all a god-like movie software), the trick is done on on a London black cab, whose drivers are notorious for "The Knowledge", aka being required to learn the entire topografy of the city in one of the most demanding training courses in the world, and not using GPS. It'd be definitely unlikely for the cab driver to be totally unaware, to the point of Pope himself noticing first that they are at the wrong place.

Factual error: The role of MI6 shown in the film actually falls under the purview of MI5, Britain's domestic intelligence service; as the country's version of the CIA, MI6's mandate is the covert collection of foreign intelligence overseas.

Factual error: When researching Christian Wolf in the IRS database, they state he made $75,000 and ran ZZZ Accounting. They then look up 3 other businesses with over a million dollars in income, said they were all partnerships and stated that Christian Wolf was managing partner. Given that partnerships are flow through entities for income tax purposes, all that income would flow through to individual returns, resulting in much more than $75,000 in income on Christian Wolf's tax return.

Factual error: At the road block scene, the state trooper is wearing brown boots with his uniform. There's not a state trooper in Texas that wears brown boots in uniform. Black trooper boots are part of the Texas State Trooper uniform.

Factual error: When Reacher is talking to Major Turner's lawyer Col Moorcraft he is wearing Military Police Corps insignias (Crossed Pistols) on his uniform, not the insignia of the Judge Advocates General (JAG) Corps (Half Wreath with arrow and sword) which is what an Army lawyer would be wearing on his or her uniform.

Factual error: When Joe and his girlfriend, who is also Albert White's mistress, walk through the hotel room kitchen, that whole kitchen, is not a 30's era kitchen. It even has a convection oven and a blast chiller, pan racks, etc. that are more from this time.

Factual error: Many details are wrong in Elizabeth's execution. The scaffold is in the prison yard, whereas by this time it was inside. The noose has a knot as opposed to the simple slider which was used by this time. Nobody is present except the hangman and one warder, whereas in fact the usual execution party was the prison governor, the chaplain, at least two warders, the hangman and his assistant. The hangman is masked, which never happened in Britain.

Factual error: After Calvin logged in a bank account with admin password on his Acer PC at home, he speaks about Chinese bank accounts. But the displayed CH stands for Switzerland. China would be CN. (00:30:30)

Factual error: The movie puts a caption in the prologue "January 2013." Later the protagonist puts the hammer he received by the mysterious delivery right on top of a newspaper, a copy of "Mid-Day" with a retouched opening article (related to the movie murder of course) but headline news with a Sunil Gavaskar quote that dates it as a December 2015 edition. (00:03:20 - 00:10:10)

Factual error: In the wedding scene and after the arrests, the U.S. Customs Service officials in uniform with the canines have two Customs patches on their jackets dating from the late 90s. In the 1980s and 1990s the Customs Service uniforms had only one patch on the left sleeve. (01:58:00)

Factual error: For the third movie in a row -at least they are consistent - Maggie introduces herself as Detective of the SFPD, but detectives are not referred as such, but as Inspectors.

Factual error: The email Vee gets at the start is dated 2017, and calls for her to become part of the class of 2020. If she went to CalArts in September of 2017, she would be part of the class of 2021. (00:01:05)

Factual error: During the scene when Ed the I.T. guy is working on his laptop to fix the problem with the presentation, his laptop is sitting on top of a couple of Cisco network switches with cables connected to them. The ports on the front of the switch where the cables are plugged in would have flashing lights on to show power and connectivity, as well as lights on the left-hand side of the device as we are looking at it, no lights are present which suggests it is not powered up and connected to anything. (00:06:58)