Plot hole: Searching for the source of the river, the raft is going downstream. Return trip it's also downstream. Generally, no matter where they are going, the rafts keep floating downstream.

Plot hole: Prior to the final show, when the horsemen are performing separately at different locations in London. [Scene X] Jack is busy with his card swap trick. While others are doing their tricks too, [Scene Y] McKinney is believed to be tricked once again by his face sharing brother at another location... Dylan gets a call and then he calls everyone to wrap up and meet somewhere. [Scene Z] Jack also wraps up and leaves the place... OK. Later after the expose in final show McKinney tells the story about how Jack successfully hypnotized his brother [in the Scene Y]. How could Jack be at two different locations at the same time? He was performing somewhere else when he did hypnotism at another location and then wraps up his trick back where he started.

Plot hole: After an assault on the scale that's been witnessed, covering a wide area of London by extremely well prepared attackers, there's no way Marine 1 would fly to the airport at low altitude within easy range of missiles, and then when attacked, double back over the areas that have already been attacked where hostiles would still be present. (00:35:00)

Plot hole: When the security guy goes inside the secret hole, there is no way he'd have been able to cover the rug. When the other guys come in the rug is covering the hole.

Plot hole: Sang-hwa forces a zombie inside a toilet stall. The zombie begins to bang on the door violently and Sang-hwa has to hold onto the door in order to stop the zombie from getting out. However, it is revealed later on that the zombies do not attempt to attack the humans or react violently or aggressively if they cannot see them. If this is the case, then this scene of the zombie banging on the door even when it cannot see any of the uninfected humans contradicts the rules that are established later on. (00:25:48)

Plot hole: After escaping from execution, the assassins still made use of throwing knives out of their garments as they ran through the city. These would have been removed from them before they were shackled in the cell.

Plot hole: Revelations in this film create a potential plot hole in Episode IV, in which Vader says Princess Leia is his only link to learning the location of the Rebel base. In this film, Vader captures the Profundity (Raddus' command ship), which is transporting the Tantive IV in its cargo hold. Vader then watches the Tantive IV fly away with the Death Star plans, leading into the beginning of A New Hope in which he captures that ship. So, the first question is, were there no survivors of the Profundity Vader could interrogate to learn of the location of the Rebel base (assuming the navicomputer has been scrubbed). Even if the entire crew were killed, in A New Hope we see several crewmembers of the Tantive IV have been captured. This film shows that the Tantive IV was at Yavin prior to the battle (evidenced by R2-D2 and C-3PO in the hangar). That then raises the question of why Vader couldn't have interrogated those other crewmembers to learn the location of Yavin as the Rebel base.

Plot hole: In Kung Fu Panda 2, Shen says he waited 30 years since he destroyed the Panda village, and Po was just a baby at the time. However, in Kung Fu Panda 3 Mr. Ping says he raised Po for 20 years before he told him he was adopted. (00:31:15)

Plot hole: RAF airfields were heavily guarded, yet Max drives up to a Lysander with wife and child, gets in and starts it without anyone stopping him before help turns up.

Plot hole: When the dome of crystal collapses, all the animals inside immediately grow old, including Brook, implying that the magic from the crystals is completely gone. However, when a tiny piece of crystal lands in the hot spring, it creates a 'fountain of youth' which the animals then bathe in to regain their youth. If that little piece of crystal worked, then why didn't the many crystals from the broken dome still work? Also, how is Brook able to leave the fountain of youth and go looking for Sid at the end of the movie without growing old?

Plot hole: It is stated that the "specters" are actually made up of Bose-Einstein Condensate, and that they are so exceedingly cold, they instantly kill whoever they touch, presumably via shock. This is all good and well, except that if they are so cold that they could instantly kill a person, there should be physical signs of their exceedingly low temperature around them or at very least on their victims. If nothing else, at least some frost buildup around them when they stop for more than a few moments or discoloration on the skin of the dead.

Plot hole: The Chinese army displays a great variety of (often anachronistic) weapons and they spent considerable resources arming and reinforcing the Great Wall to challenge the beasts who have been plaguing their land every 60 years for thousands of years. but despite having records of magnets being effective against them, with magnets being well known to them for centuries (early magnetic compasses were available in the IV century BC, and the movie is set in the XI century) they made no use of that at all.

Plot hole: Jerico leaves Jill's house to go to the university, driving her car. While he's away, Elsa pays her a visit and extorts the location. When we see Jerico at the university, he enters the book cellar, finds the famous duffel bag almost immediately, and as he exits, outside there's Heimdahl sitting there, having set him a trap. That would already been hard to swallow, but we could assume his location was significantly closer than Jerico's to the university library and Elsa phoned him. But becomes downright impossible when we see that to pull the lever of the Home Alone-ish trap there's none other than Elsa, miraculously arrived at his destination despite him having a huge headstart.

Plot hole: Durotan's clan is the Frostwolf clan, orcs who ride big white wolves. The problem is...they are riding those wolves when they are in the human world, but those huge wolves made to be orc mounts were not with them when they crossed the portal from their homeworld. Unless the human world has the same wolves and they managed to tame them in record time, it's inexplicable.
Suggested correction: Once the portal opens hordes of orcs start running into the portal. Just because you didn't see any wolves among them doesn't mean there weren't any. They obviously brought their wolves with them. They probably entered through last along with some food and tools they might need.
We see the portal close once the sorcerer blows life into the baby and the whole invasion force is on screen. Those few warriors are all that comes through the portal, which makes sense given what he said about having limited energy to transfer only a few people.
No, no. I thought you were going to say that. Look at it again, when the portal closes there are orcs standing all around it, cheering. There are hundreds of them, you saw scores of orcs run into the portal as well. Surely there are wolves amongst them as well.
There is a line of orcs around the portal, yes (still few in the context of the invasion), but there are no wolves there either, no wolves heard howling or anything. I don't know: no wolves shown running into the portail, no wolves shown exiting the portal, no wolves standing amongst those around the portal, nor heard, not even with the chieftan of the tribe that rides them. I find it easier to think that they just made them up on the spot in pure "fridge logic" to homage the game (they are not seen in the movie much nor they have a really important role) rather than postulating that perhaps there's a wolf herder guy who brought along a few dozens wolves that happen to be hidden now amongst the trees.
It may be easier to believe that, but doesn't make it impossible. Just because you didn't see them doesn't mean they weren't there. It's plausible, therefore no error and certainly not a plot hole, certainly not since you agree they don't have an important role.
I don't find it plausible since there isn't the faintest hint of it shown in the movie in a scenario where we are supposed to see all their forces: if it did not make such a point of that, I am sure I could agree with you. It's not a matter of filling in blanks left by the movie, it's about contradicting what was on screen. It's easily (or logically, if you will: I use the word 'easily' in an Occam's razor sort of way) explained (and not justified) by the wolves being 'fanservice' homage in a couple scenes, which made them easy to overlook (because they forgot or because they did not care, we can't know that) when it came to planning the invasion scenes. I believe it fits the definition of 'plot hole' because however unimportant and cosmetic of an element it is, giving a character or a group of characters something that was not there before 'breaks' the movie world as represented. I am however fine with any other category, I wouldn't split hairs on that and I welcome your different opinion. :-).

Plot hole: At the end of Apocalypse the Umbrella corporation bombs raccoon City. It doesn't make any sense that they would do this with the entire Umbrella high command underneath the city, as we learn it is in this movie.
Suggested correction: The Umbrella high command is far underground and safe from the surface bombing. There's no mistake here.
Really? The whole point of the bomb was to destroy any evidence of what happened. That includes the hive.
The point of the bomb was to remove any trace of the virus. Meaning all the inhabitants, dead or alive. Not necessarily the Hive.
Yes but literally the head of company in Dr. Isaac's is located there. It makes no sense that they would bomb Raccoon City because according to Final Chapter they wanted the virus to spread anyway. This film franchise is filled with bad writing, crappy continuity, and plot holes.