Best mystery TV mistakes of 2015

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And Then There Were None picture

Episode #1.3 - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Vera fires the gun several times, and later tells Justice Wargrave that the gun is empty, meaning that all the cartridges in it would be spent. When the judge loads his one bullet into the chamber, he does so in a gun where all five cartridge svisible are unspent.


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Sense8 picture

Art Is Like Religion - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: A henchman places a briefcase up-side down on a bench, opens the locks and starts to open the briefcase with the locks above the lid latches which are flipped open toward the floor. Instantly the briefcase is right-side up with the locks down and the lid latches up. (00:26:11)

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Quantico picture

Answer - S1-E14

Character mistake: The diploma on the wall in Connor's office for the University of Kentucky, "university" is misspelled "universisty".

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Unforgotten picture

Season 1 generally

Plot hole: The car was tracked down by finding the original car key on Jimmy's body. If he had stolen the car from the original owner, how did he come to have the original car key?

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Scream Queens picture

Blood Drive - S2-E6

Character mistake: Zayday makes incorrect statements about blood types. She mentions that, since Chanel #5 is type O-, her parents must also be O-; in actuality, they could each be type A or B (genotypes AO or BO, respectively) and could also have Rh+ blood as long as they also carry the recessive Rh- allele. Zayday also says that the child of two O+ parents must be O+, but actually the child could also be O- (again, if the parents carry the Rh- allele).


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More The Expanse mistakes
Fortitude picture

Show generally

Factual error: A scene in a photographic darkroom shows Michael Gambon developing a colour print in a dish under safe lights. Not possible. Colour printing must be carried out in pitch dark usually inside a light tight print processor, as colour photographic paper is sensitive to all wavelengths of visible light.

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Wayward Pines picture

Time Will Tell - S2-E7

Character mistake: A shot shows Djimon Hounsou completing his year entry on a large chalk board. The entries are 20 years apart. The third entry on the second line is 2274, the next should be 2294, but instead it records 2394. The one after corrects the sequence with 2314. Considering there is an entry only every twenty years, you would think he'd be more careful. (00:20:15)


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Between picture

Us vs. Them - S2-E2

Factual error: We see Liam's driver's license. It says he's from Rhode Island, but the license looks nothing like RI's. It's issued by the State Motor Vehicle Commission, but RI does not have an MVC (only New Jersey does). And the expiration date is always the same as the holder's birthday, but here we see it's 2 days after his birthday.


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Scream picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Factual error: There is no way cops would just walk up and open fire on a suspect unannounced, not knowing if he is armed or not, and with an innocent bystander so close.


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12 Monkeys picture

Die Glocke - S4-E6

Other mistake: When Jones is trying to convince Herr Waesch that she's the owner of the estate where his gala is being held, subtitles of his reply read "I personally procured this home. It's owners were French." The contraction "it's" should be the possessive "its."

Cubs Fan

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Murder on the Orient Express picture

Episode #1.1 - S1-E1

Factual error: The series is set in 1933, as the initial captions show. Yet the locomotive pulling the Orient Express is a JNR Class C58: the C58 series was built starting from 1938 (C58 239 used here is from 1940).


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