Best sci-fi movie revealing mistakes of 2015

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Jurassic World picture Jurassic World mistake picture Video

Revealing mistake: Inside Jurassic World's main control room, Chris Pratt looks at a view screen depicting a paramilitary team tracking down the escaped I-Rex. In an homage to the film Aliens, the screen is complete with POV cam footage and heart rate monitors. Unfortunately, the FX team didn't catch the fact that all four people are shown having identical heart rates. Ridley Scott made the same mistake in Prometheus. (00:44:00)


More Jurassic World revealing mistakes
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials picture

Revealing mistake: When Tomas and Brenda are avoiding the big pile of stuff down in ground in the elevator, there are wires visible pulling them.

More Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials revealing mistakes
The Martian picture

Revealing mistake: When Mark builds his HAB greenhouse, he surrounds the growing area with sheet plastic. Later, when making his first attempt at lighting the hydrogen to produce water, there is a small explosion, which throws Mark back across the HAB. Given that an open-air explosion will produce a 360 degree shock wave, there should have been a noticeable disturbance to the plastic sheeting throughout the HAB, but the only disturbance we see to the plastic sheeting is the location where Mark is blown into it.

More The Martian revealing mistakes
More Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! revealing mistakes
High-Rise picture

Revealing mistake: In the shot where Laing hears the horse neigh, at the top right corner of the screen that there are trees on the other side of the wall, where only the blue sky was before. (00:19:15)


More High-Rise revealing mistakes

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