Dominic Toretto: I used to say I live my life a quarter mile at a time and I think that's why we were brothers - because you did too. No matter where you are in this world, whether it's a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. Salute mi familia. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother.

Owens: I took you off the street. Taught you my trade. I taught you my passion. Three generations of skills. And in spite of all my earnest efforts, in spite of all my hard work, you turned into a good person.

Reggie Kray: A paranoid schizophrenic walks into a bar.

Officer Flynn: You threatening me, Bulger?
Whitey Bulger: The last thing I would do if I was planning to harm you was to warn you in advance, you dumb fuck.
Officer Flynn: You better watch yourself, Bulger.
Whitey Bulger: You better fuck yourself, Flynn.

Mike Conlon: They should have locked you up a long time ago. Made you pay for the things you did.
Jimmy Conlon: Just because I'm not behind bars doesn't mean I'm not paying for what I did, Michael.

Mrs. Munro: Your dad hated what he did for a living. Mechanic in a garage, like his dad before him. When he got called up, he said to me, "My love, I'll not spend this war "underneath the oil pan of some toff's jeep. "I'm gonna put in for the RAF." So he did. He trained. Scored high marks, got assigned to a Bristol Blenheim, Mark IV. Blown out of the sky. First time up. All his mates who worked the motor pool came home without a scratch.

Frank Martin: It's like the Count said to his Musketeers, I don't cling to life sufficiently to fear death.

Cyrus Kinnick: Guess you haven't liked Vegas much, huh?
Nick Wild: You're not supposed to like Vegas. It's just this creeping virus that people catch sometimes.

Officer Bernard: This is gonna end bad for you.
Bryan Mills: Don't be such a pessimist. (00:44:35)

Pappas: I don't think you noticed or not but what went down was a crime.