Stupidity: The bad guys should have just shot Paul and his backup during the standoff rather than risking another impediment.

Stupidity: When Susan is on the balcony with the man trying to kill her, she pulls out her gun with one hand (she's leaning on the other hand). He says she won't shoot because the gun's magazine has fallen out and Susan gives up and drops the gun. However, if there is a round in the chamber, the gun can still fire without a magazine in it. As trained as Susan is suppose to be, she should know this. But, if there's not a round in the chamber, then, as a trained agent, Susan is ineptly prepared to use her gun. If there's not a round in the chamber, pulling the trigger will not fire the gun nor will pulling the trigger chamber a round. But she would need both hands to chamber a round and she only has one hand free. There is the occasional gun that has a magazine disconnect safety, but it would be stupid for field agents to have one since they may be in a situation where they need to fire without a magazine in (such as this situation).

Stupidity: The idea that to stop someone from reading an e-mail if you can't sneakily delete the mail at least you can steal their computer altogether is flawed (for one, they can access their account from a different machine - and turns out Jules' mom has two laptops at home), but despite that, and the fact that everyone in Ben's team is supposedly tech-savvy, nobody takes exception to that. (01:10:20)

Stupidity: With the threat of strangulating Jess, Garriga coerces a false confession from Nicky about the complicity of Jess. Garriga then laughs, calls Nicky out on it, and points out the confession's deficiencies. The film treats the whole scene as an astute reveal à la Sherlock Holmes! Nobody notices, let alone points out, that a coerced confession is worthless. In reality, Garriga would feel very stupid because he almost murdered someone. For the same reason, Jess must feel very angry.